Tuesday, September 7, 2010

youthcamp 2010.

Ivo hosted a spoken word session at camp this year...making it "mandatory" for all youth campers to write a poem of some sort. Of course majority or i should say 39/40 of us wrote our spoken words at about 2:00am - 7:00 am, and some even a minute before it was time to share. I wrote mines in hopes of making it a bit more deeper, but writing something deep and putting all your thoughts into something at 2:45 in the morning running on 4 hours of sleep is NOT the business. Anyway, here's mines, its a mini summarization of everything this weekend @camp.

His Love for us so deep, so real. Are we, ready for what's to come? Will we put on that full armor & fight the temptations? Stand up for what you believe in & testify the word. Our bottled up thoughts spilled through reality, waiting, NO...dying, dying to escape this steel trap of it all. Chapel by day, campfire by night. Cranium left & right. Bill Clinton's brother got shot, did you know that? Or did you know that one of the pair of conjoined twins can be adopted? The X-factor Bee. Scrubs,Glee, & Halo. All connected through one common bond. Stumbled upon & put down. But they say it doesn't matter how many times you fall, but how many times you can get back up. Thats what really counts right? So stand your ground & know what youre fighting for, because if you don't....who will?

Unity- the state of being ONE.

I admit these past few years haven't been the easiest after what one tight knit church in such a small city became three church's in three different cities. Walls were being built between each church and as the days went by, the walls were harder to break down. Whether or not you agree with that, for those of you who experienced it, you know its true. Tension was always constantly there but we somehow managed to put aside our differences and came together for one purpose, a purpose of trying to unite, fellowship and serve one God..but that was not always the case.

Most of us grew up together..or for the most part ALL of us grew up together. We may not have been close until the past 2 years but we still saw each other once a year, if not more. We saw the weight, hair, style, and swag change either through church events or myspace, facebook, findapix, etc. Three years ago, youth camp helped changed a part of who I was. And just this past weekend, it changed my views of many people whom i've spent countless years with every week, naive and ignorant to their inner struggles. Everyone has their own struggles, i never doubted that. But this weekend, i've realized that everything we go through, good or bad, SOMEONE else out there is going through that SAME triumph or struggle. Holding in things and bottling them inside us was not something our minds nor our hearts were capable of doing to a certain extent. This weekend proved to me that although we are doing our own things from working, to going to school, or to learning how to grow up and balance our priorities, we are all connected through ONE bond. It's nice to have one weekend out of the whole year to dedicate your whole heart 247 to focusing on a God, the one God i've trusted and given my life to. Not only was it a relief to reconnect with old and new friends, but to reconnect that "hanging on a thin rope" kind of relationship with God. It's not everyday you can act like a fool, sing your heart out to oldschool jams at 2 in the morning, bap your lip on a mic singing to your all time fav song, play the Xfactor/freestyle fridays, play basketball in a pool two days in a row, and plan to soak your pastor with his wife, learn more about the people you thought you knew everything about, have the deepest talks, and feel God's presence...all in one weekend. And for that, I thank God for blessing me with friends I can spend a weekend with and can be absolutely carefree.
the best food of all the years i've attended camp.
flash fail.
sharing by the campfire.
me and my baby growing up so fast. =(
three legged fail.
couple of the last ones.
a bbq chip i found in the shape of a heart to end the weekend.

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