Friday, September 10, 2010

tragedy before 9/11.

I've been on some blogging roll since school began, like I promised (i think?) I said I would get back to blogging more often than not as soon as school began and I hope I've given a mini dose of entertainment at your daily jobs, classes, or leisure time. Inspiration is key.

Never in a million years would I have thought that such a big tragedy would happen in a city less than a 10 mile radius of my city. I was driving back to my parents house from san jose on 280 last night and as soon as I hit the valley I could see this cloud in the shape of a roadrunner, thinking to myself of taking a picture of it for imagination purposes. Every 5-10 minutes, I would see a cop from different cities pass me up with their sirens off, thinking OMG, are they pulling me over because I have my phone out? But they glanced at me and sped right passed me, like wow, "close call Em." Little did I know as I got closer hitting paly, it was no fog like the usual, it looked more and more like the smoke was only getting bigger and darker, slowly filling up the city. I know its no time to joke around, but I was even plannin on tweeting that the only time to get away with speeding and being on the phone while driving would be right now. 6:15pm. on 280N. It's a shame to know that as I got closer thinking it was in paloalto, it wasn't. Millbrae?..nope..San Bruno?...yes I did the usual rubbernecking and saw the fire first hand before it hit its peak. Thinking nothing of it, I see helicopters droppin waterbombs..Forget the "never in a million years would I have thought that such a big tragedy would happen in my city", it's more like "never in a million years would I have ever imagined to see it first hand with my own eyes, let alone a city so close by". I couldn't believe how big the news got that everyone on twitter and facebook were talking about it, and it was WEIRD that anyone who didn't talk about it was being insensitive, but that's just my opinion and theres no judgement there. heh. What would you do if you had this view? Sweet Jesus.But To those people affected by the San Bruno fires, We're all with you and praying for you. It just makes us more aware that we shouldn't take life for granted, because at any time your "byes" become "goodbye" forever.

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