Monday, September 27, 2010

The 4 Amigos.

I believe there are four types of friends you should have to keep yourself sane in the membrane. All four are important, but of the four you’ll sometimes probably wish you never met one of them. Read on, you’ll see why.

So cheers to these friends who have made it in our lives, embedded memories, probably have seen us at our happiest and at our lowest points, and have helped molded us to who we are today. All because our friends define who we are, secretly.

1. Rebel- A rebellious friend is always fun to have. They’re the ones who get you on your feet, not so much in a good way, but pretty much make you change your middle name to dangerous. The ones who make your parents and your parents friends shake their heads because they got a visible tattoo, pierced their own body part/s, disrespected their parents before, snuck out the house, ran away from home, smoke their lungs out and cut class to bop the malls..i mean “shopping”, and then got you to eventually be a rebel without a cause with them. And no matter how many times your parents, teachers, or friends despise and tell you they're bad news bears, you can’t drop them because they take you from “eh” to the straight “b.a.d.a.s.s.” lifestyle. Misery loves more company.

2. Positive- A positive friend is a must have. Take it or leave it, but you must have one of these to help get you through everything. Because when the going gets tough, they’re always there to push you with full on positivity. Almost like the No child left behind Act. They’ll never leave you hanging or behind but help make your impossible’s possible. They’re like your personal cheerleaders just without the eye-sore outfits. They’re the friends who always have a lending ear no matter where they are or what they’re doing. The one’s who will go above and beyond, drop hanging out with their boyfriend or girlfriend, friends, and sometimes family just so they could be there for you. That positive friend who will help pick you up from rock bottom even with the smallest and most simplest gestures. The friends who even when they hurt us, we suffer a bit but make excuses for their wrongs and ignore it because we know we have a good friendship. More times than not, there’s always more healing than suffering between our friendship. And that’s the friend who will take that stray bullet for us, survive the wound, and are so humble about it instead of shoving it in our faces 24/7 reminding and annoying us that they just saved our life making us feel like we owe every minute of our lives to them (although we really do).

3. Negative- A negative friend, we can’t hide from them because they seem to always catch us off guard. We’re all negative in one way or the other, but we ALL know we have that one friend that’s ALWAYS negative but somehow we’ve made it a point for them to stay in our lives with their negativity and sometimes, it’s what makes us stronger. Their crude and poisonous comments make us think twice about ourselves. Sometimes, we wonder how they even made it in our lives the way they drive us up the wall. But instead of tossing them out of our lives when we get tired of their b.s., we find ourselves running back to them when we’re mad and angry to vent and spill out all our anger and they somehow end up making our day turn from feeling MAD to FUNNY to feeling all BETTER. Because gossiping, talking s***, and venting with someone who agreed and egged on every hateful word you said never felt that good with a positive friend.

4. P.I.C.- Someone who is willing to do anything and everything with you. But don’t mistake that for the same category as Rebel, because it’s a whole nother boat over there. This is the friend who may not really be in the mood to do the things you want to do at that time, but will suck it up, pick their butts up, and be right by your side doing the outrageous, then love you even more after for letting them have that much fun when they least expected it. Same goes for you. They’re the ones who love the thrill ride just as much and no matter how broke they are they will find a way to get that money, dirty or clean, just to experience the joy ride with you. Obnoxious, Foolish, and Ridiculous are characteristics that somehow make this friend ok to have while riding the coaster, but any other time?...Don’t even think about it. Anytime, anywhere, anyplace, they’re on your speed dial #2 (#1 taken by voicemail) so when significant others don’t exist to accompany you, you holla & they retreat, no excuses.

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