Monday, September 20, 2010

Lessons Growing Up.

It’s always just about the ABC’s & 123’s as a child. Then from experience to experience as you age, you learn that it’s not only about ABC’s & 123’s, its about that, plus sharing. And then the older you get, when you’ve realized you’re ok to pass the ABC’s, 123’s, and sharing, you begin to try and find the right way to fit yourself in the crowd. And that’s all that matters, fitting in with good grades, keeping up with the fashion, and the infamous lingo. Something so simple, yet so difficult at that moment in time. And when you’ve managed to get past that wall of no return, you use the lessons you’ve learned in life to push on forward towards the prize. In the end you realize that its not only about abc’s, 123’s, sharing, fitting in, and good grades that are important in life it’s what you’ve experienced that’s got you where you stand now. Cause everything always begins with a trial run, a puff of that cigarette, a sip of that alcoholic drink, stealing something small, driving 20 miles over the speed limit, and so much more. Because you just never know if you don't try it. Then in the end, if you’re still alive and breathing, the trials become temporary and the temporaries become an addiction, and if you’re lucky rehab. With that and more you also learn to stand up for friends at the right time, knowing when or when not to say something, risking things to overcome obstacles, and to never fear the unexpected because if you do, life will just simply pass you by and time will be your worse enemy. So like they say “Laugh your heart out, Dance in the rain. Cherish the memories. Ignore the pain, love and learn, forget and forgive because you only have one life to live.” Live, Laugh, & Love.

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