Thursday, September 30, 2010


I know many of my past blogs have been based on copying/pasting what i've seen and read and my blog was basically like some typical boring tumblr (speaking only of the ones that strictly copy and paste the same crap from others wit no sense of originality), which im totally against..not in reading but following the crowd into leaving blogpost to hop on tumblr. So i've tried to have my own og pieces so there would be more of a worth coming to my blog and seeing/ reading you have never seen or heard before. But there's just some things that just reach into your heart, make your mind go "ahh, makes so much sense..took the words right outta my head", and make you just want to share it with the world (in case they're were in the same boat). So here i am being a hypocrite talking about how tumblr (for the most part) is nothing but a bunch of copies and nothing with originals and will share with you what boggled my mind. Thank Goodness its not from tumblr (so you wont see it being passed around like herpes). Shoutout to the ones who've sticked to xanga, blogspot, wordpress, and anything other than tumblr. Here's a piece ...Courtesy of Jozen:

"I remember being all alone when I received the news one of my best friends, Trey, was killed in a car accident. I remember how I was relieved to receive the news alone in my apartment, that way I could allow myself just one good cry without the feeling of someone watching me get it all out. And I compare that feeling to the one I had when my sister called to tell me I would be an uncle. I was also alone then, and I felt so, just so lost. Of course I was through the roof with excitement, but have you ever been the only witness to something unbelievable? It’s like the feeling you get when you make a basket from 3/4 of the court with your eyes closed and no one is there to bear witness. The first thing you’re thinking is, Damn that was awesome and you’re running around with your arms held high. Then the “aw shucks” moment comes when you realize you’re only jumping into the arms of the air, and no one was around to witness your incredible shot.

Sharing bad news is intimate, but so is sharing good news. I love that you held me down whenever times were hard, but I definitely missed you when the times were good." -J.C.

an excerpt from an article about him talking about his past gf's and how its two different ball games when you share good/bad news with yourself and with them. Its all too true. I think in the end, its not you we miss so much, its your company.

Wednesday, September 29, 2010

Funfact #3

You learn something new everyday:

Brazil is about the size of the United States of America and Russia is 10x the size of the United States.


Tuesday, September 28, 2010

Snack Time!

an excerpt from a yahoo article about how Christians don't know much about their own religion when they took a survey. This is what shocked and caught my eye..

"Forty-five percent of Roman Catholics who participated in the study didn't know that, according to church teaching, the bread and wine used in Holy Communion is not just a symbol, but becomes the body and blood of Christ."

I mean what were they thinking? That the communion was a little treat the church offers for attending their church? God bless the 45% of souls that are clueless. Talk about hard times,...people going to church for some free breakfast. SMH.

Monday, September 27, 2010


You learn something new everyday:

Converse is owned by Nike..since 2003.

wha wha?!, where have I been all this time when nike bought out converse..oh that's right, focusing on graduating middle school with good grades in hopes to get into westmoor. HAHA

The 4 Amigos.

I believe there are four types of friends you should have to keep yourself sane in the membrane. All four are important, but of the four you’ll sometimes probably wish you never met one of them. Read on, you’ll see why.

So cheers to these friends who have made it in our lives, embedded memories, probably have seen us at our happiest and at our lowest points, and have helped molded us to who we are today. All because our friends define who we are, secretly.

1. Rebel- A rebellious friend is always fun to have. They’re the ones who get you on your feet, not so much in a good way, but pretty much make you change your middle name to dangerous. The ones who make your parents and your parents friends shake their heads because they got a visible tattoo, pierced their own body part/s, disrespected their parents before, snuck out the house, ran away from home, smoke their lungs out and cut class to bop the malls..i mean “shopping”, and then got you to eventually be a rebel without a cause with them. And no matter how many times your parents, teachers, or friends despise and tell you they're bad news bears, you can’t drop them because they take you from “eh” to the straight “b.a.d.a.s.s.” lifestyle. Misery loves more company.

2. Positive- A positive friend is a must have. Take it or leave it, but you must have one of these to help get you through everything. Because when the going gets tough, they’re always there to push you with full on positivity. Almost like the No child left behind Act. They’ll never leave you hanging or behind but help make your impossible’s possible. They’re like your personal cheerleaders just without the eye-sore outfits. They’re the friends who always have a lending ear no matter where they are or what they’re doing. The one’s who will go above and beyond, drop hanging out with their boyfriend or girlfriend, friends, and sometimes family just so they could be there for you. That positive friend who will help pick you up from rock bottom even with the smallest and most simplest gestures. The friends who even when they hurt us, we suffer a bit but make excuses for their wrongs and ignore it because we know we have a good friendship. More times than not, there’s always more healing than suffering between our friendship. And that’s the friend who will take that stray bullet for us, survive the wound, and are so humble about it instead of shoving it in our faces 24/7 reminding and annoying us that they just saved our life making us feel like we owe every minute of our lives to them (although we really do).

3. Negative- A negative friend, we can’t hide from them because they seem to always catch us off guard. We’re all negative in one way or the other, but we ALL know we have that one friend that’s ALWAYS negative but somehow we’ve made it a point for them to stay in our lives with their negativity and sometimes, it’s what makes us stronger. Their crude and poisonous comments make us think twice about ourselves. Sometimes, we wonder how they even made it in our lives the way they drive us up the wall. But instead of tossing them out of our lives when we get tired of their b.s., we find ourselves running back to them when we’re mad and angry to vent and spill out all our anger and they somehow end up making our day turn from feeling MAD to FUNNY to feeling all BETTER. Because gossiping, talking s***, and venting with someone who agreed and egged on every hateful word you said never felt that good with a positive friend.

4. P.I.C.- Someone who is willing to do anything and everything with you. But don’t mistake that for the same category as Rebel, because it’s a whole nother boat over there. This is the friend who may not really be in the mood to do the things you want to do at that time, but will suck it up, pick their butts up, and be right by your side doing the outrageous, then love you even more after for letting them have that much fun when they least expected it. Same goes for you. They’re the ones who love the thrill ride just as much and no matter how broke they are they will find a way to get that money, dirty or clean, just to experience the joy ride with you. Obnoxious, Foolish, and Ridiculous are characteristics that somehow make this friend ok to have while riding the coaster, but any other time?...Don’t even think about it. Anytime, anywhere, anyplace, they’re on your speed dial #2 (#1 taken by voicemail) so when significant others don’t exist to accompany you, you holla & they retreat, no excuses.

Sunday, September 26, 2010

humptydumps stats.

"...I have this strange feeling that I'm not myself anymore. It's hard to put into words, but I guess it's like I was fast asleep, and someone came, dissassembled me, and hurriedly put me back together again. That sort of feeling. " -Haruki Marakami

....just exactly how i'm feeling over the recent past years or maybe i'm just growing right before my very own eyes and I didn't even realize it.

Saturday, September 25, 2010

Safari adventures.

Smithsonian Free museum day around the whole U.S. so you already know, we had to take advantage of that and took the Academy of Science deal cause I haven't been there since cornerstone days/ pre -remodeled days. An hour long wait with hella babies, almost looked like an ant farm, an asian antfarm cause you know asians know how to take advantage of free things. Worth the free ride, but wouldnt pay more then $10 for the new museum. Anyway, Long and painful morning, but took my mom and had a blast doing some quality time with her. The day just can't go wrong when the sun's out with no wind in SF.

Will Smith's 7 pounds.I dream to have a sleepover under this, then when i make the $$$ i'll make it a part of my living room.
yao ming and the shortees.
def feelin tall next to baby giraffe.
"How do i look next to him, better or same?" she asks.
act like the animal day.
the femur family gettin their tv fix on.
"dinner anyone? its on me, kekeke." says the cheetah

oh hey, westmoor rams.
I found you danielle! haha jk jk.
find waldo.
penguins makin out, no joke.
Do you own a dikdik like this one?
desktop status, throw your icons to the right!
oh, hey zebrass...
Anyone need pliers?
Stiff arms.
Home of the dinkywinky,ditsy,lala, and po!
my lil friend eatin his peanut, chillin in 80degree weather in SF, and letting me go papparazi on him...sweet thang.


I was reading my old blog from like 6 years ago. Times have changed, times have changed..i must admit it was quite embarassing. HAHA anyway, i found this while scrolling through it courtesy of c.chin, and it still applies greatly to life.

"you should really forget about those who don't care about you and move on stop trying to keep in touch w/ those people because in the end it doesn't matter how many friends you have if you are just living a lie. " -caitlinchin.

"I love the way you lie..." -rih rih.


"Sometimes you’re flush and sometimes you’re bust, and when you’re up, it’s never as good as it seems, and when you’re down, you never think you’ll be up again, but life goes on."-Blow

Friday, September 24, 2010


you learn something new everyday:

...Old Navy in Colma, California was the first Old Navy ever opened!

Wednesday, September 22, 2010

I wish you didn't have to leave..

Officially the Last day of summer and of course the heat wave comes the first few days of fall. Cant hate the indian summers we get out here though. Anyway, a summer 2010 in review. This summer def goes in the books of most crackin/ best/ EVER. Dear summer 2010, you were mighty fine, and i WILL miss you dearly. Please show me a good time next year again.

youth camp..deeper and closer relationships, newer levels.
not a fan of hiking but hiked up mt. tamalpais! nature is too beautiful for words to describe.
took james and pals to sixflags, realized the park downgraded from 10 years ago.. but least we got to meet miss porky and speedy gonzales!
kelly's good bye parting..with the worlds biggest mac n cheese advertisement in the world behind us.
paddle boating with 25+ of us illegally bumper boating..courtesy of htoi and andrews goodbye party.
off the grid? on the grid? whatever its called was a taco truck party! fort mason.fridays.get on it.
pool party at the laus.
buy one get one free virgin tickets at the giants game gaints padres!
camping with my middle school rivals? plus all girls? (except john cause he got there late) but puttin up tents and cooking all by ourselves?..INDEPENDENT girls. hahah stargazinglove > Seeing one of my bf's disregard newboyz and tied her man down, foreva!
wickedly watched wicked, musical. So grateful i caught it before it left, THANKS SHARIE!
Portland = Voodoo donuts aka best donuts evAr.
multnomah falls!
htoi and andrew tying the knot!..the first of our church generation to tie the knot. huge congrats. i look like a fool bending down.
the biggest adventure this summer, actually my life.. real world, nevada city with my middleschool loves. kayaking, tipping over, and getting stuck in the middle of a lake. priceless.
Seeing obama's sa-sa-sa-ity!(city)....4 things. good knowledge, beautiful sights, murderous weather. grouchy mother.
AC! atlantic city, the og vegas!
and the best part of my whole summer, walkin the Brooklyn bridge. What a privilege, as good as walkin the GREAT WALL of china.

"Dear summer, i know you gon' miss me for we been together like nike airs and crisp tees." -Hova

yo' baby name doe.

I'm not sure if its just me or if it's because i live in the bay area and this contest hosted by the bayarea's hiphop station (106 KMEL) is "hiphop-ghetto" related that it makes it justifiable for these baby's names...but has anyone checked out the names on 106's site for the cutest baby contest? I'm just wondering if these "unique" (and wild, might i add) names come from young baby mama's & papa's tryna be unique and have their baby sound hard. Sooner than later, those "personalized" things i.e. pens, cups, mugs, necklaces, keychains,etc. will be extinct because by the next generation everyone will have their very own personalized unique name that they share with 5 and only 5 (or less) other people in this world.

Top 5 "unique" names found in this contest in my opinion (not easy):
5. I'yana K
4. K'moni Lovely.
3. Be'Arre Ringo
2. Da'Joney
1. De'aje B.
Notice the tr'end?

Oh yea, Don't forget to vote for them while your at it. HAHA.

Tuesday, September 21, 2010

bruno, bruno...

his solo version of beautiful girls..

and just when every girl had the idea in mind "If only there was a Bruno Mars in every guy"....he goes and does something stupid. Got caught with the possesion of cocaine yesterday and below is his lovely infamous and hardcore mugshot. Bravo Bruno, BRAVO. We love you, JUST THE WAY YOU ARE.

Monday, September 20, 2010

a pessimistic view.

"....Laughter is not the best medicine. Sometimes, it’s the best disguise."

Lessons Growing Up.

It’s always just about the ABC’s & 123’s as a child. Then from experience to experience as you age, you learn that it’s not only about ABC’s & 123’s, its about that, plus sharing. And then the older you get, when you’ve realized you’re ok to pass the ABC’s, 123’s, and sharing, you begin to try and find the right way to fit yourself in the crowd. And that’s all that matters, fitting in with good grades, keeping up with the fashion, and the infamous lingo. Something so simple, yet so difficult at that moment in time. And when you’ve managed to get past that wall of no return, you use the lessons you’ve learned in life to push on forward towards the prize. In the end you realize that its not only about abc’s, 123’s, sharing, fitting in, and good grades that are important in life it’s what you’ve experienced that’s got you where you stand now. Cause everything always begins with a trial run, a puff of that cigarette, a sip of that alcoholic drink, stealing something small, driving 20 miles over the speed limit, and so much more. Because you just never know if you don't try it. Then in the end, if you’re still alive and breathing, the trials become temporary and the temporaries become an addiction, and if you’re lucky rehab. With that and more you also learn to stand up for friends at the right time, knowing when or when not to say something, risking things to overcome obstacles, and to never fear the unexpected because if you do, life will just simply pass you by and time will be your worse enemy. So like they say “Laugh your heart out, Dance in the rain. Cherish the memories. Ignore the pain, love and learn, forget and forgive because you only have one life to live.” Live, Laugh, & Love.

Wednesday, September 15, 2010

Meeting Rich Cho, the portland blazers new GM.

My body wanted to scream of excitement because its not very often we see an Asian, let alone a Burmese asian doing it big in the states. But instead of screaming I could only have a huge smile (with no teeth) on my face cause I'm in class doing this. Shame on me. I blogged about Rich before, but heres more..for the burmese/basketball/portland blazers fans out there. Jeremy Lin & Rich Cho....helllers, hellers, hellers (as said in madea simmons voice).

excerpt from article: "I understand that you and your parents emigrated from Burma, now called Myanmar, when you were very young. How has that experience shaped your career path or work ethic?

We came from Burma in 1968 when I was three years old. The first time I went back was six years ago, and it really made me feel even more grateful to have the opportunity to be educated and grow up in the States. Growing up, we didn’t have a lot of resources, and we struggled quite a bit. We were on food stamps for a long time, welfare. My dad worked the graveyard shift at 7-Eleven and my mom worked in a library and took an hour-long bus ride into work every day. Coming from a humble background made me not only hungry to succeed, but I also wanted to make my parents proud.

Check the link for more deets on the interview they did on Rich.


What is it about love&basketball that I love so much?

-My sister is probably reading this shaking her head thinking "Wow, an entry on this lame movie, HOW ANNOYING", but heres why i enjoy this movie so much:

It’s not because its “black cinema”, although I LOVE black cinema. But I think it has a superior and deep meaning behind the entire movie. It’s a story about love, it’s not just the good ol’ “love” story that gets me every time but it’s a story about learning, making mistakes, going out and fighting for what you want and love, and in the end reaching that point of accomplishment. A feeling no one can take from you at that time. The whole feeling of winning the “game” solidifies what love is meant to be all about. A story about faith, a fearless emotion that makes us risks our hearts knowing that even the smallest possible cut through something that runs our lives can puncture and make us leak gold for a precious time period. And that’s why I love this movie, because even though there were more than enough obstacles to overcome, through everything Monica Wright realizes what she wants and goes for the gold. And in the end? She builds a better relationship with her mom, WNBA dreams, and the best of all, winning the love of her life back and beginning a family together. womp. womp. womp. “And they all lived happily ever after.
If you still dont understand, watch, think, and fall in love over and over again.

Tuesday, September 14, 2010

hallelujers, holla back.

We've(girls youthgroup) have been doin some biblical devo's (devotions) since we've gotten back from camp from which seemed like decades ago with the events going on in my life. And this week's devo was pretty doggone interesting.

excerpt from the article: "Faith seemed too judgmental, and if I heard one more preacher scream at me about the fire in hell, my eyes might have rolled out of my head. To make matters worse, some of the deepest wounds I had ever experienced came from within the walls of the church. So I thought maybe faith isn't for me."

It applies very well to me during countless struggles in my life. I always questioned "Why do I need to be listening to all these negative things about "faith". Having faith in this God that I love and adore is supposed to help me through the tough times, make me feel good, and not have me blisten in "hell" because i'm not doing this and that right? And at different points in time, I realized, thought about, and overanalyzed situations of what could hurt me the most and what gave me the deepest cuts in my heart, and that was the people whom I've grown up, kept around me till this day, and stand by me as I walk with God. Theres a reason for everything and that's why theyre still in my life at this point in time. It gets so discouraging to have to attend church every sunday and listen to negative things, things that point out our flaws and all..but i've come to realize that I wasn't perfect and nobody said life was easy and mos def our walks with God is never easy. But through my experiences, i've come to know that through everything, you let go, and LET GOD(just dont let go of both) and that FAITH IS for me.

Monday, September 13, 2010

tupac love.

I know i have this pic of tupac somewhere in my blog archive, but this is one of my favs of him. G's are always cuter when they smile, messed up teeth or not.. ok maybe not messed up teeth, but you know what i mean. 14 years since tupac's passin! Sept 13, 2006. His music is still Try to catch ESPN's 30 for 30 Tupac and Tyson series.

R.I.P. hombre-leta

Saturday, September 11, 2010

City by the Bay.

Right when I began to lose interest in you and your bipolared weather self, you're finest came out and proved me wrong. SF, you'll always have my heart..SJ, you'll come in a hearty 2nd.

Friday, September 10, 2010

A Tribute to a fallen

Ahhh it's all too surreal. The same turn, same lake, same time of day as W.Chau.
R.I.P. Nick Sarmiento.


begins 9/13-9/22. 2010.

tragedy before 9/11.

I've been on some blogging roll since school began, like I promised (i think?) I said I would get back to blogging more often than not as soon as school began and I hope I've given a mini dose of entertainment at your daily jobs, classes, or leisure time. Inspiration is key.

Never in a million years would I have thought that such a big tragedy would happen in a city less than a 10 mile radius of my city. I was driving back to my parents house from san jose on 280 last night and as soon as I hit the valley I could see this cloud in the shape of a roadrunner, thinking to myself of taking a picture of it for imagination purposes. Every 5-10 minutes, I would see a cop from different cities pass me up with their sirens off, thinking OMG, are they pulling me over because I have my phone out? But they glanced at me and sped right passed me, like wow, "close call Em." Little did I know as I got closer hitting paly, it was no fog like the usual, it looked more and more like the smoke was only getting bigger and darker, slowly filling up the city. I know its no time to joke around, but I was even plannin on tweeting that the only time to get away with speeding and being on the phone while driving would be right now. 6:15pm. on 280N. It's a shame to know that as I got closer thinking it was in paloalto, it wasn't. Millbrae?..nope..San Bruno?...yes I did the usual rubbernecking and saw the fire first hand before it hit its peak. Thinking nothing of it, I see helicopters droppin waterbombs..Forget the "never in a million years would I have thought that such a big tragedy would happen in my city", it's more like "never in a million years would I have ever imagined to see it first hand with my own eyes, let alone a city so close by". I couldn't believe how big the news got that everyone on twitter and facebook were talking about it, and it was WEIRD that anyone who didn't talk about it was being insensitive, but that's just my opinion and theres no judgement there. heh. What would you do if you had this view? Sweet Jesus.But To those people affected by the San Bruno fires, We're all with you and praying for you. It just makes us more aware that we shouldn't take life for granted, because at any time your "byes" become "goodbye" forever.