Monday, January 31, 2011

03: My views on drugs and alcohol

“Experience: that most brutal of teachers. But you learn, my God do you learn.”
-C.S. Lewis

Drugs...Curiousity, Alcohol...Curiousity. Goes Hand in Hand. Of course when everyone else around you does it, you want to see what the hype is about. Even if you don't like it you gotta stay with the flow. Then you get used to it, fall in love with it, and never be the same. Oh man High school?,... curiousity kills the cat everytime. We just use the excuse "experience" to justify everything and it seems to work.

I've had my fair share of experience with drugs and alcohol in high school/early college years. I'm not all for it nor do I enjoy taking it in. It's just not my forte and I'd much rather be spending the money that makes me look and act extra foolish to something that would make me feel much better the next day. But I won't deny that it's given me one of the most unforgettable memories of my life good and bad.

No judgement though if you did do one of the many drugs out there or drink alcohol but I just hope that you are able to know your limits to not dig yourself a huge hole you can't get yourself out of. Mainly to be responsible and handle your self. Drugs and Alcohol wreaks major havoc and the last thing anyone on this earth wants to do is to clean up your mess (physically, emotionally, and financially). So when under the influence, do yourself and everyone else a favor, don't push the limit too far...because your actions will reflect your reputation. And when all hell breaks loose (including addictions), you lose respect for yourself while others lose respect for you as well.

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