Friday, January 28, 2011

02: Where you'd like to be in 10 years.

"We seem to be going through a period of nostalgia, and everyone seems to think yesterday was better than today. I don’t think it was, and I would advise you not to wait ten years before admitting today was great. If you’re hung up on nostalgia, pretend today is yesterday and just go out and have one hell of a time…" -Art Buchwald

In ten years, my hopes is to not only want to have accomplished getting that far in life alive, but to have succeeded in my academics to prove to myself I'm smarter than I ever thought I was and to whoever else doubted me. (Because C's get degrees) But only time and effort can prove that. In the meantime, in ten years amongst many other life long goals, I hope to have at least receieved a Doctorate degree so I can make that money and travel to at least one country in EACH continent, have knocked down half of my bucketlist, continue to have the steady faith I have in God if not, closer and stronger, find my "sole"mate, begin my life with them and last but not least create a family that brings more happiness, love and selflessness to my life. All in hopes to live life to the fullest whilest having "one hell of a time".

So when you ask me, where would i like to be in ten years? ....i'd have to say livin' the life on my porch floatin in chopped trees..$$$ trees. But you say "money isnt everything", and i'll say "but money can get me everything!"

photo cred: S.YEN

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