Sunday, January 9, 2011

Paid friendships vs. Genuiely real friendships.

I don't mean to point anyone out specifically or speak about anyone specific as for this topic goes, so if youre reading this and youre thinking ..."is this about me specifically?"..think again.

Anyway, I understand the economy is bad these days and money is tight in almost everyone's family and everyone could use a little bit of extra cash somewhere in their wallets. Everything seems to always involve money, nothings free these days right? Wrong, some things are still free to say the least. Love? Free. Friendship? Free. And with friendship comes unlimited reasonable favors. Free. I've encountered a couple of instances where either someone was doing a favor for me and expected $$$ in return or if I did a favor for them, they would give me $$$ in return for the favor. I don't believe that friendships are made of money. If you borrowed money, pay them back, same goes the other way. As for favors, a favor is done because a real friend would mean to be there for each other out of their own goodness while sacrificing time and effort without any cost. THAT is what a real friend is. In return, I would only ask that if I ever needed a favor, they would be there for me just as I was there for them. But just know when to stop when the favors go overboard because then, ...the friendship would make you a that point, have the wallet ready.

Favors is done out of your own good will. It's a part of something interwined with the other unwritten and unspoken rules of a genuine friendship. In other words, doing a favor means counting on that friend to be there for you and help you when you need help. So the next time money's involved, think twice about your friendship...Is it a paid friendship or a geniunely real friendship.
The new year just began..its good to clean out the dirty friends and BUY some real friends.

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