Sunday, January 2, 2011

new year, new start?

The only normal/functioning picture from that night/morning..before the classy barfbag came out.

Apologies again for being so M.I.A. off this blog since the holidays began. I would make my new years resolution to make a post to help myself and maybe you to get my thoughts on "paper and pen" and look back on it and just shake my head at either how fun it was or how ridiculous things were...but that would just be a whole lie cause I have a lot of time on my hands, but NOT that much.

New year, New start? It's bittersweet to begin the new year with a new age EVERY year but as I get older I'm thinking of it to be more positive than negative....2011, I don't know what you have in stored for me but i am probably more nervous than any of the previous years. Im still stuck in 2010 and as i was making my photobook, i must say i probably knocked out half my bucketlist in 2010 than any of the previous years. I can't wait to see what adventures 2011 has waiting for me.

The holidays were nuts and the two weeks I had off for school was most definitely not enough vacation and relaxtion time. I felt like a chicken with its head cut off running around malls to malls and stores to pick up gifts and foods while attending the parties that make my holidays extra special. =) Before I go any further and rant on about nonsense, I just want to thank the best real friends any one could ask for that came out to my birthday at mink. Who, even though they had work right before, or drove 50+ miles , or dropped by even though they had to be with family before 12, or chose to be at the bars with me when it hit new years, and didnt give me some lame excuse after telling me they were gonna be there. hands down...THANKS..meant the world. Like i've said ages ago, maybe so old its back in my myspace/xanga..that its those friends who really put the effort in for you and SHOW UP even for the little-est things that matter the most. As for others, hope your new year started off well as mines..because all I can remember from all the music playing that night was this song that had me thinking happiness instead of the alcohol that slayed me that night.

Happy New Year!

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