Tuesday, February 3, 2009


so ive been busy with lotta things, and havent really gotten the chance to blogggorama in this. but since im in my sociology 80 class which is...a class where the teacher talks about sex, drugs, and all the other dirty things you could probably imagine. its almost like out auto class back at westmoor with iris informing us about her drug addictions after the weekend. hahaha good memmies (memories).

-the Snuggie. pronounced the snoo-gey. haha so i got shanita the snuggie for her bday. and mollie shanita and me had a mini shootout with it..

molllie thinking in her father snoo-gey monk suit.
shanita and me and the snuggie + box.
how large the snuggie can be...one size FORSURE fits all.
trying to re-inact the commercial. shanita at a baseball game.

snuggies are warm and comfy, get one for you satisfaction. haha
Surely you desire truth in the inner parts; you teach me wisdom in the inmost place. Psalm 51: 6

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