Friday, February 6, 2009


WARNING: texts only blog scroll down to the second topic if you want super entertainment.

so recently my boss has been emailing me to see if i'm free to do games for this hittysay(piglatin) league. i get yelled at by the fans and players givin me these dirty looks and coaches givin me the dirty evil eye. thank God for showers because i came home right after those games and washed the evilness off. neways, off topic..from what i was originally going to say but hes been abbreviating the "long" phrases like LET ME KNOW= ridiculous is the text world getting, my dads texting me these abbreviated words that dont even make any sense..i guess its the "adult" text lingo that his 50+ pals understand only.

neway im watchin WANTED being distracted by all these exciting sites online that seem to appear when i dont want to be bothered..but wen im in class i can never find anything this great to entertain me. but i've been catchin up with miked.'s blog(shoutout) since i just discovered it..which shall go to my additional add list to the side of blogoramas. and charis introduced me to this HILARIOUSSSSSS website i cant stop obnoxiously laughing about everytime i read it..its the site which tells stories about ppls crappy days. its hilarious...some excerpts....

-Today, I went to the doctor's office because I was sick. The male nurse led me back and when he weighed me, he said "Why do I get all the beefy girls today?". FML

-Today, I was eating ice cream and I noticed some on my jeans so I wiped it off with my finger and licked it. It was bird shit. FML

-Today, I spent almost my entire English class turned on thinking that the hot girl next to me was playing footsie with me. That is until she stood up and I realized I had been rubbing my foot on her backpack. FML

HAHAHAHAH if you did not laugh as hard as i am, you obviously are lame...which aka means you shouldnt be reading this blog..but throw me a shoutout lettin me know you've become a fan of that site. haha

and heres an interesting vid. sammy and his "sensazn" crew "abdc'n" it to wake up by e-fo-tee. dont hate too much tho. haha

You turned my wailing into dancing; you removed my sackcloth and
clothed me with joy,...Psalm 11