Friday, February 27, 2009

Nad & ya plus 8..+6...

the octo-supawoman or so she "thinks" she is..i must admit brings some good entertainment for the start of my day although she is old news now. hahaha but i was searching through some of her " stalker album" pics and it was quite interesting how lame people can get. althought many despise her i thought it was quite entertained by the names she gave 8 of her children...i think i already mentioned that in one of my other post but dang..they iz cute names!....idk why but i like the "ia" parts of the names. hahaha


haha cute cute. she may be dumb for doing all that at once but she sure do got good taste in names!
honestly, if youre goin to stand outside her house and protest or have should at least be little smarter by using the this point you look just as stupid as the mother. hahaha homeboy needs more than just standing on the streets waiting for some construction worker to swoooooooop him up. i guess he can begin his new career holding up embarassing signs with mispelled words..babies homeboy babies. pullin a lil mama out hurr

He who walks with the wise grows wise, but a companion of fools suffers harm. Proverbs 13: 20

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