Tuesday, February 10, 2009

the weekenders

Lonnnnnng and very productive weekend..spent quality time in C-town with my ma while hemming our jeans..and what not..lotta walking..then on saturday woke up super early to go work couple games at salesian in the city..turns out, it was a forfeit so i had another hour to kill..decided to walk up the coit tower since it was soooo near by which was probably my last tourist landmark to go to in san francisco...i have officially hit all tourist attractions!...maybe except alcatraz..cuz i missed that oppurtunity in 5th grade cuz i was sick the day of the field trip. =\ neways...you'll see my eventful weekend through pics below..

the falun gong float for chinese new year parade but the mini one since they couldnt get into the main huge one. hahah losers.
the coit tower!
the view next to the coit tower.
marin county in the back with the street signs of coit tower.
giants fan fest!!! parking and admission FREEE!!!!...decided to expand my horizons and hop on the bandwagon to check it out..these were the ppl i got the autographs of..
o wsup bengie.
me and christine
zamanda's birthday!!..with her surprise cupcakes and vincents party hat!
the inside of the card i made her..happy 16th birthday lil' mama
worry dolls, represent. hahaha remember zamanda you only get 6 problems a day!
a candid shot i thought was pretty photogenic/art work./ aka bona petite!
blowing out the candles in style with nathaniel (bottom right)who is makin a wish for himself too.
uncle jimmy with amanda and my beautiful snot-a-licious card
her deeee-licious shengkee cake.
SKG. representin that PURP!. hahaha everyone got the memo except zamanda.
studio pics.. (laughin pose)
4 stooges peek a boo
"use the pole as our props" pic.
the infamous seats. the purp gang.
mirrror it.
pryamid!..heavy ppl on top! hahahaha ashlee is crying...pshhhh like i really weigh a ton!
delight yourselves in the Lord, and he will give you the desires of your heart. Psalms 37: 4

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