Tuesday, February 24, 2009

shoe mania.

so i was lookin at monika's profile while i was wondering why she had two links of the spartans website and the NYtimes website. as i clicked on it and i just saw a smaller pic of this and didnt recognize adrian.(far right) haha so as i was reading i looked closely and realized they had adrians name all over (adrian = mo's bf) hahaha anyways...so i just thought i'd throw this out there. and to note some of the shoes are not theirs. hahaha for example: to adrians elbow..three shoes to the right ..in pink..yea thats monikas shoe! hahaha.nonetheless, i'd love to see them clean up all their shoes after and fight over who's who's..i probably woulda even took one of their shoes. hahaha neway do YOU have this many?

another note: i asked my magic 8ball if i failed my bio test last night and it said you can count on it. today i got my bio test and it was right. FML.

And my God will meet all your needs according to his glorious riches in Christ Jesus. Philippians 4: 19

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