Thursday, January 29, 2009

25 random facts/ habits / wsup.....

for those of you who dont have facebook or i didn't tag you or you didnt even bother reading what i tagged you, heres my list of twenty five random facts about you...(the newest fad on facebook) i figured i'd post it for those of you who often read my blog but know so little about me besides my daily life...

1.When you hit my S*** list, my evil side (evily) comes out and attacks you viciously in ways you wouldn’t want to imagine….

2.…Hence, I once peed in somebody’s shampoo which I cant name because their my friend on face book, but im sure you already know who it is.

3.I secretly have been waiting for someone to tag me to do this 25 fact crap for the past week. (thanks shanita and Bfong.) and justina wong used to steal stickers in the first grade from Ms. Virginia to add to our monthly prize sheet and would win millions of prizes that everyone was of course, jealous of.

5.If you already haven’t noticed, I LOVE taking jumping pictures with SELF TIMERS

6.I plan to never reach my peak weight back in my junior year of high school aka 130.

7.I have many party packages surprised me from down there (if ya know what I mean) ….and some of those prizes…probably have touched the floor of maybe your bathroom floor.

8.I’ve never sweated bullets and had my legs struggle and shake like no other until I hit 45 minutes up the Great Wall of China and had to take a shit holdin it in back down the steep and uneven stairs, then to get to the bathroom, have no toilet paper what so EVA….

9.I sometimes wish I had a mini disease but still major enough to put my name on the Make a Wish foundation, so they could hook me up with meeting Allen Iverson.

10.It may look like I don’t care about my 8 year same hairstyle, but really…I get really depressed when it doesn’t work out the way I want it to look, not that it looks much different. I plan to change my hairstyle and perhaps style when I get a boyfriend.

11.On the Outside I dress like a boy because its WAY more comfortable than skin tight itchy, hard to breath clothes, but on the inside I think im pretty girly.

12.I am NOT lazy when it comes to texting my o’s with Zeros. I don’t have the updated keypad so I have to go through two other letters to get to the don’t hate boothang.

13.I have a bullet stuck in my neck back when I was fourteen, thanks to being shot in a church play acting as a Chinese fob shoe store owner.

14.My high school principal adored me dearly and cried when I graduated. Or least that’s what I think he did. Big ups DICK MOROSI!

15.Mcdonalds is heaven for me. I eat there at least 8-10 times a month, of course only ordering off the dollar menu. $2.07 for two orders off the dolla menu in DALY CITY!..

16.I used to fear dogs, until I fell in love with Chloe-patra. (the yorkie)

17.I once got pretty flowers and a teddy bear from my valentine, and was young and naive so i walked around the whole day at school holding the pretty flowers down like they were dead or gave them to some other girl and made them pretend it was theirs and stuffed the teddy bear in my locker...boy do i regret it now.

18.I suck MISERABLY bad at video games even though I’ll challenge you and make it seem like I’m SOOOO good and is a champion at it, don’t be intimidated. I’ll only admit that on this 25 facts.

19. 8/10 times you call or text me and ask what I’m doing, and I will say in Oakland or going to Oakland…aka CHURCH. I just used Oakland cuz you know, it makes it sound all the more hardcore/ghetto.

20.….and people always reply back.. “O DANG, the ghetto! What you gon do out thurrr?”…until I reply church, they “Hah ……” it like it changes everything and Oakland suddenly didn’t become so ghetto anymore.

21.I tend to get A LOT of creepy stares from strangers who hesitate to ask if I’m _____. Aka I look like _____. AKA x2 Often mistaken for the 50 other twins I’ve got in this world.

22.I call my friends, cousins and my cousins, friends because….yea….So if you ask me how I’m related to my “cousin”, I’ll just make it up and always say our dads are brothers eventhough we have different last names.

23.Halloween is my FAVORITE holiday, back in OLM, I was embarrassing half assed pirates, power rangers, darth vader, and ugly other things that were always missing the main part of the costume so you couldn’t even tell what I was unless I told you.. now THAT’S changed.

24.i’m very addicted to AIM.. my roommates say I need aim anonymous. I’ll even go online when im on vacation in China, is that an addiction?

25.I had a REALLY bad/horrifying/traumatizing first and second date with this one nightmare boy, who I know, secretly stalks me. He tried holding my hand but I had to order a free water at starbucks specifically so I can have an excuse for him to not hold my hand.

Consider it pure joy, my brothers, whenever you face trials of many kinds, because you know that testing of your faith develops perseverance. James 1: 2-3

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