Sunday, January 4, 2009

a velly clackin brithday.

as my first end of the year blog which i know i am quite late for...i decided to just post up my bday pics and mini parties. Thanks for all the calls, myspace comments, facebook walls, texts, and personally showing up on my front door step greeting me=). i really appreciate it all! thanks guys, you iz DA BIZZOMB. 2008 went by quick, it was probably my best year yet. So many things happened within the year, despite the many horrible things that happened, the best sure did surpass all the little bad things. thanks to all the people who made my year the best EVAAAA..cheers to the past in 2008 and hopefully another amazing year in 2009!

iceskatin in the city
za beauty of zee decoracions.
people tryna peep in the pic, pshhhhh...
zee crew zat went iceskatin..
tani and sammy lickin em poles.
the train.
me and tani.
me and sammy.
the ppl who stole my cammie and took random pics without me
dizzle, lyzzle, and nizzle.
nizzy, mizzy, eazy.
copy cater.
zee fouzie gals.
the scubas...lookin mighty tall
the groupies on ice.
groupies without me on ice.
danny the beginner.
the people who drove all the way across the bridge just to bring me some cake at 12! thanks dogssss. youz the negs.
me and the cake that almost burned the card down
the forever pals with their significant others who went to my dinnnner the day before.
again inside redrobs.
then church at night on n.y.e...
amanda and her new job.
skg on new years eve with the xmas tree before it got torn down.
my favvie lito kiddies missing rosie tho.=(
me and the hot lu aung with her NO drinks allowed cup. haha
Happy is he…whose hope is in the Lord his God.Psalm 146:5 KJV

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