Tuesday, January 20, 2009

see ya bush-na.

super tuesday...i woke up at 7am to try n catch all the inaugaration special as much as i could..aka the speech...sweet jesus, i guess i was too tired...missed half of joe bidens and woke up again in time for obama's and his nervous swearing in...but definitely very good speeeech. now im probably goin to be watching it all day, considering i just woke up again at 2 and its still on!...murderous..for the obamas that is. neway i have pics to upload but i will leave ya with this...for now...peace out bush..you were one in a million forsure...

before & after...boy what a change, stressed for doing nothing.

And faith is being sure of what we hope for and certain of what we do not see. Hebrews 11:1

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