Saturday, June 21, 2008

last graduation of the year

after a long night/day of partying, we woke up at 6 to pack and get ready for maemaes graduation at 1 on sunday. if ya ask me it was almost a nightmare. but in the end it was total enjoyment and not to mention my patience level was higher then expected. to top if off, i personally saw mike song from kaba modern!...i kno youre jealous but at the same time, i dont have any pics to prove it cuz i was too busy screaming in excitement, i forgot that cameras were invented. nonetheless,great way to end a crackin weekend. flew back home the same day and parrtttayyyyeeeddd till tuesssdayyy home alone!
nick and mabel entering the plane since me and my grandmama got front row seats due to her disability
before we left to go to the grad ceremony
inside the gymnasium..full of seat-o-ramas.
try to find mabel! shes kind of in the middle u can tell by her typical hair.
the graduate and muah
the fam plus gramps grams n the grad
the grad along with gramps n grams, i kno you diggin the hat!
the infamous car that earned a lot of punches because supposedly we were from washington!
the infamous spider we also found on the INSIDE of our car ceiling, disturbing if you ask me!
and as to end the day, we took a pic with the anteater their mascot and the "sign/chant"...ZAH ZAH ZAH ZAH ZAH ZAH ZAH!

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