Wednesday, June 11, 2008


i hit 500 views!..haha thanks motivate me to bloooggg my life away!
neway, new hit song on the block for this week or till i get sick of it is:
from ushers new cd- will work for love. -----CRACKIN! the link to the song if you dont want to spend moolah on buyin the cd or spend moolah getting caught by the limewire police,

so im down to the 14th day of school left!...neways i went to biblical studying after at nathaniel bacons house aka choo's house. its interesting to get to know the bible more in depth and not hearing it be watered down.but its definitely hard hearing the truth and how we should be living as a disciple throughout our daily lives. but i think where i stand now..i think hearing bout judgement day just kinda eh's me. think bout it..judgement day..the usual watered down version of judgement day is... everyone goes to heaven if they believe in God, jesus, wutever you believe. and then to start imagining what heaven will be like for you. but in reality, is that really how easy it is to get to heaven?. yea i mean i've thought and dreamt of how my heaven would be..which would be entering these the gates..which would be the mcdonalds arch, with God there to ask me one question and he would automatically open the gates for me..and the music cannon in D would be playin in the background as entrance music while all the ppl who went before me on earth that i loved and missed is greeting me with love and care! haha i know, big imagination. but think bout that really how heaven is goin to be like?...

anyways that was a bit too serious, but on a lighter note... i LOVE CHLOE chow choo. in case you dont know who she is......

she makes me feel all bubbly inside cuz shes so frikin good to me!...(she slept in my lap during bible study, be jealous)

on the last note, i found a random millenium wisdom book! i'll leave you all with words or wisdom that hopefully will spark your life?..or the end of all my blogs! or till i run out

to love is to risk not being loved in return.
to hope is to risk disappointment.
but risks must be taken because the greatest risk in life is
to risk nothing.
The person who risk nothing, does nothing,
sees nothing, has nothing, and is nothing.
he cannot learn, feel, change, grow, love, and live.

1 comment:

Master Samuel said...

you's a nerd, mija!

sike, nice post nice post