Monday, June 30, 2008

hurricane chow

hurricane Chow hit our downstairs "junk" room specifically on saturday again, after it had hit us two weeks ago wen mabel moved back home from irv-e. it was definitely sad reminiscing stataz memories. a lot of it which was so hard to throw away or better yet, donate. Great good ancient memories. i must say i think our house has got to be one of the most ancient things on earth. we found vintage VERY vintage pictures of how long our family friends have been friends and everything in general. o the good memories..heres some to excite about.

we took out the junk from our junk room and sorted them out in the garage..
and after was all cleaned up we could fit our car back in!
the cleaned up mess still full of junk, but nice and organized
within the mess there was a POUND PUPPY!..for those of you who were old enough to remember those badboys!
theres the PP if you cant see and dont believe it! haha
WOW 96, cmon a cassette?..thats pretty ancient unless you're from africa where it just became popular. hah jk
puzzlemania..a "was dedicated subscriber"
troll!!!! ahh with 101 dalmations literally from mcdonalds but i obviously dont have enough time to organize a dalmation picture with all in it. haha
A+? dang im smart.
ancient books from the 6th grade at olm. why did i even bring them back home?
super mario pencil case! the best one out there. it had a sharpener, pop up calendar, thermometer, eraser case and pencil case stataz! they needa make more of these bad boys.
the hype beasty jacket from the early 90s. its hardcore comin back in style "Blud"
my 1995 christmas gift. a piano that came with a microphone where who knows where it went that was filled with cookie crumbs in the mic holes..
my 1998 panda backpack from sandra and sharie. how kind of them.
hello kitty from the FIRST GRADE from arthur jones jr. haha my first crush!
and after four years of thee pink bear missing , i found a red heart attached to a string, the pink bear, and some infamous flowers if you remember valentines day my freshmen year. =)

gladiator day 2008

so gladiator day was last week and im super lazy to update, so since i have so many other things to upload i mite as well begin now! haha..neways heres the exciting pics from gladiator day/picnic.
Put on all your armor of God so that you will be able to stand up against the devils evil tricks.
ephesians 6:11

heres nathan rolling down his new and improved and definitely heavy grill down the westmoors hill.
nikki kickin the ball with flipflops like shes the bomb
hardcore ready kickballers
amanda and team trying to unscramble the bible verse
d.paw and his exciting team who figured out the verse quickest.
team jump rope
the crew and jew
the whole crew missing few.
the real gladiator of the day, chloe!
my horrible sunburn...
that became this one week later...snake skin stataz!
crazyyyy nice weather. crazy GREAT day. thanks for everyone who came out!...and shout out to a.choo the fattest girl living in daly city. haha

Saturday, June 21, 2008

last graduation of the year

after a long night/day of partying, we woke up at 6 to pack and get ready for maemaes graduation at 1 on sunday. if ya ask me it was almost a nightmare. but in the end it was total enjoyment and not to mention my patience level was higher then expected. to top if off, i personally saw mike song from kaba modern!...i kno youre jealous but at the same time, i dont have any pics to prove it cuz i was too busy screaming in excitement, i forgot that cameras were invented. nonetheless,great way to end a crackin weekend. flew back home the same day and parrtttayyyyeeeddd till tuesssdayyy home alone!
nick and mabel entering the plane since me and my grandmama got front row seats due to her disability
before we left to go to the grad ceremony
inside the gymnasium..full of seat-o-ramas.
try to find mabel! shes kind of in the middle u can tell by her typical hair.
the graduate and muah
the fam plus gramps grams n the grad
the grad along with gramps n grams, i kno you diggin the hat!
the infamous car that earned a lot of punches because supposedly we were from washington!
the infamous spider we also found on the INSIDE of our car ceiling, disturbing if you ask me!
and as to end the day, we took a pic with the anteater their mascot and the "sign/chant"...ZAH ZAH ZAH ZAH ZAH ZAH ZAH!

Friday, June 20, 2008

hollys cotillion.

babay hollays 18th cotillion at the elks lodgio. i had to run back n forth to the wedding and the cotillion because i couldnt miss our youngest G's bday!..and at the same time cant miss out on the club and deshawngs wedd!
the g's that werent parta the entourage.
table 14 with 2 chinks n 4 negros.
guess who's calves is the biggest? keep talkin bout mines, look at maxines & alyssa!!!
left to right : maxine -note: she doesnt play sports. lmao
alyssa- note: hers are MASSIVE!
mines- perfectly the RIGHT shape, i know youre jealous.

skip to my LOU.

...or more like skip to mabels ancient room. literally. if anyone has been to our house, mabels room has yellow do not enter tape on the doors because its seriously a jungle full of antiques that have not been touched for 10 years. not even exagerrating im serious. as she moves back into the house, the lord prolly talked to her about doing major spring cleanning before it hits summer, so for the past two days..shes really cleaned and dumped out so much things. not just any old regular thing...1990's junk. no lie. just for the record i sent a couple of old 10-16 years of age to sum of the pals we've known for a while who are past their 20s!. its embarassing, i know, but u cant deny, its great memories. another record setter, the next few pics could put our family into business to become a future thrift town for toys place. we needa garage sale frillz, just all the crap from her room, too bad no one wants junk.

here is the QUEEN of ancient antiques from back in our days with faggity ann
the junk spilled into the living room
and into our family room (refugees are gon b happy next week with all this exciting stuff!)
her other attempt to make another gross pic of the aftermath of hurricane mabel
the flooded floor of crap.
tellytubbies?...from BK?..honestly who has these still.
our mr n mrs gingerbread from age 7 (not lying)
tellytubbies in a better view..and thats prince ken (barbies boyfriend) at the far left in pink

Thursday, June 19, 2008

sean & alice

hahah more like deshawng n alice but apparently chinese ppl just are too lazy to spell out the whole name at the restaurant. neways this was the tip off of all the weddings happening this year! YEAHHHHOOOO! (warning: many pics) *ignore the random large spaces between pics, its the stupid blog.

me derek mae alyssa and nikki on self timer at the infamouz harvest bookstore

me and lillllyy the kewt flower gal!

the entourage of the next generation

the kewt flower gals who had the crowd louder then when the bride walked in. hah jk.the bridesmaid and maid of honor and the coordinator MRS. TN hahaathe bride n groom after the ceremony...YEAHHOOO

nathan and me while ryan jumped in the back..just great.
the best man himself ring ring aka JASEN
again, the newlyweds with an awkward pic with me.
"is it weird to listen to your ipod at the club? haha me and su su susie
me nikki and mae in the emo corner by the end of the night
our drunken nights begin at the club with cranberry juice..

the peer pressure kb, who loved to take cranberry juice drunken photos
first me, then nate, then mae, then nikki, then before you know it the whole club joins in.
my dads co worker at the club.. hahaha

drunken night.
before we almost got kicked outta the club. haha
then nikki wanted to do the pretend drunk pose. but she totally FAILED

then the freaks came out..along with the forreaall drunken ban htoi! and the famous freaker nway nway!