Sunday, November 15, 2009


if youre bored, interested, is from my church, or want to learn something new...heres something to read...its bout my church ..or more like the refugees we help and their new life living in oakland, ca. Expand your horizons and learn, learn, learn! it never hurts to learn new things. its hella long, but quite interesting if youre interested in new things.

an excerpt from the article :"She explains how to turn on electric lights, shows them how to recognize the 25-cent coins used for the laundry machines, and helps them understand what sanitary napkins and diapers are and how to use them."
“When we left, we were worried someone would tell the government, so we didn’t say goodbye,” he said quietly. “I thought maybe I would come back if the journey was too hard. I didn’t even tell my mother we were leaving.”

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