Thursday, November 5, 2009


"The only way to conquer fear, is to face fear right in the eye."
i was watching my dear lovely Oprah yesterday and her show was on Stepping outside of the box...aka meaning to step aside from your comfort level and do things you never thought you would do. And the oprah theme was based on these five girls who step outta their box which was one, roller derby, skydiving, and skinny dipping. Its pretty crazy cause all these ladies never thought they would actually do any of these things in their life time until this came into the picture. and when you see them doing the skydiving one especially, it was crazy and they were terrified but once they got back onto the floor and landed, they felt invincible like they could do anything now!
I was just thinking that its crazy how our fears work. Sometimes we have these weird phobias and fears that are just outta this world. But in order to face your fear and get over really do have to face it in the eye. I used to be so afraid of heights until i forced myself to go on all these rollercoasters..and now its not even roller coasters...i wanna skydive now too!!! i think that will completely get over my fear. Along with spiders...i used to be deathly afraid of them little things, until i moved downstairs back in my daly city home that i began living with spiders! and now i can kill them like its nothing, or even just watch them walk past me without screeching. And dogs? the thought of dogs just killed me. i cant even run freely on the beach because the dogs will attract my fear and think im playing with them.. until i met my little friend chloe, a yorkie...who has slowly gotten the fear of dogs outta me. and its crazy how all this works.. its really just facing your fears right in the eye. For me, i think the thrill of it is what amazes me.
i just thought i'd share that because i know a lot of people fear many things, its stepping outta the box that will change your life and if anything enhance and expand your horizons about your own self.... AND because im planning on going on some adventure rage when i have the money and i hope you could crazily join...

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