Tuesday, November 3, 2009

empire state of fashions.

for you empire state of mind lovahs.. theres a live performance without the lovely interuption of lil mama reppin NY, i think she tried gettin a hold of some ticks, but they made sure she didnt. haha or i could just be making that up... but two thumbs up for no awkward lil mama!

oprah also told me that the above the knee boots from the 80s are back (what a. keys is wearing in the vid)... ARE WE SLEERIOUS? i dont think they're cute..then again, im not very fashionable like rih rih. but whats with the retro everything coming back?..are we goin to be dressing like flappers soon after this stylish fashion of the 80s and 90s are gone... kinda scary...before you know it, we'll be all dressing like large white 1910 poofy dresses with the shower cap hats...and still pull it off?! o man.

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