Friday, February 27, 2009

Nad & ya plus 8..+6...

the octo-supawoman or so she "thinks" she is..i must admit brings some good entertainment for the start of my day although she is old news now. hahaha but i was searching through some of her " stalker album" pics and it was quite interesting how lame people can get. althought many despise her i thought it was quite entertained by the names she gave 8 of her children...i think i already mentioned that in one of my other post but dang..they iz cute names!....idk why but i like the "ia" parts of the names. hahaha


haha cute cute. she may be dumb for doing all that at once but she sure do got good taste in names!
honestly, if youre goin to stand outside her house and protest or have should at least be little smarter by using the this point you look just as stupid as the mother. hahaha homeboy needs more than just standing on the streets waiting for some construction worker to swoooooooop him up. i guess he can begin his new career holding up embarassing signs with mispelled words..babies homeboy babies. pullin a lil mama out hurr

He who walks with the wise grows wise, but a companion of fools suffers harm. Proverbs 13: 20

Thursday, February 26, 2009

shampee./ updates

this week has gone by QUUUUUUUICK...actually this whole school year has been flying by quick. time to find new roomies!..and someone is asking for a asparagus-y shampee special in our room. pushing buttons is NOT good.

-last intramural game next week at 8! be there or be squared. its gon be gainst big momma from sbarros!
-goin to the chris tomlin hello love concert next week..hope thats a blast.
-abdc? beat freaks..was good last week, but quest crew KILT it this week. thank God lil mama cita was dressed appropriately this week. por que: did anyone miss the funeral that was requested to wear white couple episodes ago?

and do not get me started on the flight attendant outfit.. like suuresiously?.. but i admit she did upgrade herself from her bejeweled season one days back when she used the past tense of T's insteada ED's..or basically when she was "18"...but now she finally hit maturity "age 20" and decided to pop her lipgloss way out to the "more adult like" profession costumes/outifts.

hooray for lil mama's maturity.

next week is birthday week..aka birthday everyday of the week..aka emchow's yearly birthday calls at 12..or 12:01..or later mood permitting.

and i know im hella late with the whole updating on my bff's new changed haircut, i cant really find the new pic of it..but i got the vid. you can hear the whole background on it also..and for the hundreds of ppl askin me what i think of it...all i gotta say is, he is still the man with or without the braids..bff stataz forever.

"Always be prepared to give an answer to everyone who asks you to give the reason for the hope that you have." 1 peter 3: 15

prayer requests: for all the people being laid off today or potentially be laid off. =(

Tuesday, February 24, 2009

shoe mania.

so i was lookin at monika's profile while i was wondering why she had two links of the spartans website and the NYtimes website. as i clicked on it and i just saw a smaller pic of this and didnt recognize adrian.(far right) haha so as i was reading i looked closely and realized they had adrians name all over (adrian = mo's bf) hahaha i just thought i'd throw this out there. and to note some of the shoes are not theirs. hahaha for example: to adrians elbow..three shoes to the right pink..yea thats monikas shoe! hahaha.nonetheless, i'd love to see them clean up all their shoes after and fight over who's who's..i probably woulda even took one of their shoes. hahaha neway do YOU have this many?

another note: i asked my magic 8ball if i failed my bio test last night and it said you can count on it. today i got my bio test and it was right. FML.

And my God will meet all your needs according to his glorious riches in Christ Jesus. Philippians 4: 19

Sunday, February 22, 2009

lay back and just chill till the next episode.

So i decided to just blog since i didnt take any pictures this weekend although it was very productive. hmmmm...i figured i shouldnt only blog when i have pics, but i should just blog like update status since i dont talk to a lot of you people that read this anymore or just lot of old friends in general.

i've been not so stressed with school lately which has been really good, i've also been thinking about minoring in the acupuncture field also..we'll see how that goes..

i've also been thinking a lot about lotta things going on, wont make it go public here but just tryna find what God's tryna tell me. I'm plannin on making the youth learn more in depth about God and his word along with being more enthusiastic about youth fellowship instead of comin to joke or hang around and not learn anything. =\ so if you guys got any ideas of how I could help these high schoolers be more enthusiastic about a siisstah out. haha

mmmm....other than that i think i've just been pretty ughed tired with work and everything in general because that special time of the month is approaching! so if i got lil itchbay status on you..i hope you understand, its not really me..its someone controlling that crazy side that i cant control.

i've also got some newwwwww CROCS! boy you jealous..they're like getting a feel of how heaven will feel like!'ve gotta get them..they're on super sale at the great mall crocs outlet. i even got threeeee new jibbitz for them! (jibbitz- little decorations to put in the holes of the crocs)
I cant find a pic of how mines look like, but in no time we shall hang and you will be revealed of my sexy hot looking crocs. hahaha

Don't copy the behavior and customs of this world, but let God transform you into a new person by changing the way you think. Romans 12: 2

Tuesday, February 17, 2009

single awareness day!

sooo as i've noticed and will confirm, tuesdays will be my update days on this blog since that is the only time i can get high speed internet on campus and have time during class to do this since this stupid class im in right now is thee most pointless class EVA. neways so yea basically if youre checkin everyday, thanks...but most likely i will only be updating tuesdays and maybe thursdays if i have sumthin exciting to blog about...or on the weekends when i have the time and is not lazy!...

single awareness day on saturday...or to others, also known as valentines day. yeaahoooo..we had a wedding at church which made my tweekend quite the eventful weekend. pics below to explain. not to mention this MURDEROUS. rain rain go AWAY PLEASE! precious jeans and shoes are soaked everyday.=(

me and the infamous mattchu i caught the bouquet! jealous.
the other girls who caught the "other" bouquets because they couldnt get over the fact that they didnt catch it the first time so they made the bride and groom throw all three of their bouquets. haha
me and the updated lily for ppl who dont see her every week anymore.
jayjay and mae mae..tryna look like they iz flyin like eagles..
zee bridez and zee groomz.
amanda is JEALOUS!
happy birthday shaaaa.
zeee awesomely sweet cake.

Before I formed you in the womb I knew you, before you were born I set you apart;...

Jeremiah 1:5

Tuesday, February 10, 2009

the weekenders

Lonnnnnng and very productive weekend..spent quality time in C-town with my ma while hemming our jeans..and what not..lotta walking..then on saturday woke up super early to go work couple games at salesian in the city..turns out, it was a forfeit so i had another hour to kill..decided to walk up the coit tower since it was soooo near by which was probably my last tourist landmark to go to in san francisco...i have officially hit all tourist attractions!...maybe except alcatraz..cuz i missed that oppurtunity in 5th grade cuz i was sick the day of the field trip. =\'ll see my eventful weekend through pics below..

the falun gong float for chinese new year parade but the mini one since they couldnt get into the main huge one. hahah losers.
the coit tower!
the view next to the coit tower.
marin county in the back with the street signs of coit tower.
giants fan fest!!! parking and admission FREEE!!!!...decided to expand my horizons and hop on the bandwagon to check it out..these were the ppl i got the autographs of..
o wsup bengie.
me and christine
zamanda's birthday!!..with her surprise cupcakes and vincents party hat!
the inside of the card i made her..happy 16th birthday lil' mama
worry dolls, represent. hahaha remember zamanda you only get 6 problems a day!
a candid shot i thought was pretty photogenic/art work./ aka bona petite!
blowing out the candles in style with nathaniel (bottom right)who is makin a wish for himself too.
uncle jimmy with amanda and my beautiful snot-a-licious card
her deeee-licious shengkee cake.
SKG. representin that PURP!. hahaha everyone got the memo except zamanda.
studio pics.. (laughin pose)
4 stooges peek a boo
"use the pole as our props" pic.
the infamous seats. the purp gang.
mirrror it.
pryamid!..heavy ppl on top! hahahaha ashlee is crying...pshhhh like i really weigh a ton!
delight yourselves in the Lord, and he will give you the desires of your heart. Psalms 37: 4

Friday, February 6, 2009


WARNING: texts only blog scroll down to the second topic if you want super entertainment.

so recently my boss has been emailing me to see if i'm free to do games for this hittysay(piglatin) league. i get yelled at by the fans and players givin me these dirty looks and coaches givin me the dirty evil eye. thank God for showers because i came home right after those games and washed the evilness off. neways, off topic..from what i was originally going to say but hes been abbreviating the "long" phrases like LET ME KNOW= ridiculous is the text world getting, my dads texting me these abbreviated words that dont even make any sense..i guess its the "adult" text lingo that his 50+ pals understand only.

neway im watchin WANTED being distracted by all these exciting sites online that seem to appear when i dont want to be bothered..but wen im in class i can never find anything this great to entertain me. but i've been catchin up with miked.'s blog(shoutout) since i just discovered it..which shall go to my additional add list to the side of blogoramas. and charis introduced me to this HILARIOUSSSSSS website i cant stop obnoxiously laughing about everytime i read it..its the site which tells stories about ppls crappy days. its hilarious...some excerpts....

-Today, I went to the doctor's office because I was sick. The male nurse led me back and when he weighed me, he said "Why do I get all the beefy girls today?". FML

-Today, I was eating ice cream and I noticed some on my jeans so I wiped it off with my finger and licked it. It was bird shit. FML

-Today, I spent almost my entire English class turned on thinking that the hot girl next to me was playing footsie with me. That is until she stood up and I realized I had been rubbing my foot on her backpack. FML

HAHAHAHAH if you did not laugh as hard as i am, you obviously are lame...which aka means you shouldnt be reading this blog..but throw me a shoutout lettin me know you've become a fan of that site. haha

and heres an interesting vid. sammy and his "sensazn" crew "abdc'n" it to wake up by e-fo-tee. dont hate too much tho. haha

You turned my wailing into dancing; you removed my sackcloth and
clothed me with joy,...Psalm 11

Tuesday, February 3, 2009


so ive been busy with lotta things, and havent really gotten the chance to blogggorama in this. but since im in my sociology 80 class which is...a class where the teacher talks about sex, drugs, and all the other dirty things you could probably imagine. its almost like out auto class back at westmoor with iris informing us about her drug addictions after the weekend. hahaha good memmies (memories).

-the Snuggie. pronounced the snoo-gey. haha so i got shanita the snuggie for her bday. and mollie shanita and me had a mini shootout with it..

molllie thinking in her father snoo-gey monk suit.
shanita and me and the snuggie + box.
how large the snuggie can size FORSURE fits all.
trying to re-inact the commercial. shanita at a baseball game.

snuggies are warm and comfy, get one for you satisfaction. haha
Surely you desire truth in the inner parts; you teach me wisdom in the inmost place. Psalm 51: 6