Monday, February 28, 2011

Restaurant BIZ part I:

I'll probably have more vents to offer to this blog and you guys till i quit so i decided to just break em' into parts.

For those who arent my friends via FB, I got a new job at a restaurant that's usually packed or at least always busy with a 1-2 hour wait during peak hours of dinner. I served customers last friday and didnt have much to complain about because I got nice and polite customers for the most part. key word: for the most part.

After working two days, I must say this world has some FOR-REAL rude ASSS, no class, snobby, think they are king and queens of this world people. Its almost unbelievable. -__-. Today had gotten to be the worse while running the host position for the night. Here's some of the many things I got from tonights shift. And in no way do i mean to be racists and call out these groups of people, but if you know me.... i can do the full on accent for you if you see me in person.

A group of 6 filipinos:
me: Sorry guys, we were just informed there are no more lobsters for the night, we ran out. Sorry about that.
fobs: Oht mai gosh, we'be been waidin por ahn hour! con't you get more por us?
me: sorry i don't provide them im just hosting for the night, but your table is re-ady.
fobs: ok, yay..pinally.. oht wait, we don't want to seet dere but we goin tu seet here and order unteel dee next tay-bel ees ready.
me: uh sorry, i dont think we can do that but i will talk to a server to help you.
fobs: ok, you hab tu moob us becass we are prom chicagee..
me: *turns around... and mumbles under my breath "and what makes you think i care to "moob" you because youre from chicaGEE?" ....and because customers are always right, we moved them.. SMH

a group of 6 indians:
me: ____ party of 3, ______party of 2...etc etc.
indian man who doesnt know his own name: when are we up? we've been waiting for so long.
me: whats your name?
indian: Mark...
me: sorry theres no mark here..
indian: o sorry, i mean jillian..
me: o_O ...really? you dont know what name you put it under but is complaining? have 15 tables ahead of you sir..
indian: can you do me a favor and move me up the list, we've been waiting for so long?
me: uh im sorry i cant do that, people ahead of you got here earlier and have been waiting longer . (and this cheap-o didnt even bother to slip me some ca$h while asking me to move him up the list) they finally get seated..and on the way out, his wife steals our decoration necklaces. REALLY? SMH again, i hope i never see them again.

I know its the restaurant biz dealing with people but I thought I couldnt have it any worse compared to referee and the jerks i get from that... but i think this restuarant biz is WAY worse with way more annoying people.

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