Tuesday, February 8, 2011

04: What are your views on religion?

“Going to church doesn’t make you a Christian any more than standing in a garage makes you a car”- G.K. Chesterton (via s.go's)

I think for the most part everyone knows me as a someone who goes to church on the daily. I know as Christians we're supposed to evangelize the bible and be able to convert non Christians to becoming Christians. But to be honest, it's not as easy as it sounds. It probably sounds horrible coming from a girl who attends church every.single.sunday...excluding mini vacays that carry over on sundays...but I've come to the conclusion that I think I need to worry about myself and where I place my relationship with God before I go and help others. Call me selfish, but if i can't even focus on getting myself to heaven...theres less of a chance i'd be there saving you.

Although I do attend church and firmly believe that I have a strong relationship with God, I'm not one to be a hypocrite and say things (like many other christians out there) .."if you do that you wont be going to heaven..." etc. Cause then, who am I to judge. Cause I know for a well known fact that eventhough I have been a daily church attender since I was born, I have done things in my life that are probably viewed as deathly sins. It's not any one's place to judge what anyone does. Hate the game, not the playa...right?

But I will say that, people do make mistakes and personal choices. My view on religion stands for me personally is that God is #1 and that he does run my life. So you do your thing, whatever it may be, and I'll do mine... As long as we end up in the same place life after death eternally, i'll be satisfied.

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