Monday, November 29, 2010

post thanksgiving.

Its the simple things in life we forget. And i keep forgetting that simple things like great friendships and greater company is what make life easier and more pleasant. This past thanksgiving, I had more things to be thankful for than usual. Thanksgiving with my family, then to the Choos after to groove to some xbox 360 kinect- DANCE central. Poisoned my way back to life Bel Biv Devoe style. Did the whole wait in line to what felt like the north pole at 12am. got what i wanted and bumped into some long time no see friends and cousins at that. (No crazy 4 hour wait in line with some grouchy black women stories this year) Waited for sunrise..wish i spent it at twinpeaks..instead got home and caught SAVED BY THE BELL! ko'd and woke up 3 hours before sunset. went back out and copp'd xbox360 kinect-dance central for our own house.

To top it off, finally kicked it with my girls for Ej's birthday. On top of that, It was a reunion left and right with people i havent seen in ages. Every set of friends I have make me smile, laugh, and remember why I have and appreciate friends like them..but these set of girls, hands down, keep me on my toes and have me disgusted and dying of laughter all at the same time. Being open and blunt is #1 in their vocabulary. I'm glad I've still got some friends from high school to still hold me down and feel like nothin's changed since then.

This is my all time fav pic from the weekend. To a crackin, "buzzed", lovefest thanksgiving end. Happy Birthday EJ.
This reminds me, i need to pick up my camera more and start takin pics of my joyous festivities. Cause pictures can mean 1000 words and last a lifetime of memories. Hope you had just as swell of a Thanksgiving as I did.

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