Tuesday, November 9, 2010

getting your "goods" together

Gah, times are damn hard these days. I know I don't have much to complain about because I still have my parents (and sister) to support me with my necessities. But theres just times when it hits you and you begin thinking about what reality really holds. (and how the heck did I apply to 20+ companies and got NO calls back) Wheres life really going to take me? Then all these questions begin to start boggling your mind. I caught up with two of my really great friends today both at separate times and they both never failed to talk about reality and how we're slowly growing up or i should actually saying growing up FAST. That our four years (or now five+years) in college flew by faster than we could ever realize it and here we are at third base stretching our way back home. And sooner than we can think about it, we'll have to pick our "goods" up and start working in the REAL WORLD. Forget workin at these stupid retails and crap, we're going to have to deal with professional a-holes who will put us through hell or maybe be the lucky ones who will get that 1 out of 1000 genuinely nice people/ bosses.

It's a little creepy if you ask me where lifes taking me. I honestly thought I was planning on graduating and beginning my new chapter of my life in the Bay Area. At this point, it seems like that just may not happen let alone California. And i think that's what scares me the most...being more than 1000+ miles away from my family and friends. But as my latest motto goes "Go wherever life takes you and not where you take it".

I'm glad however that eventhough all the stress and anxiety I go through, I still will and always have my family and true FRIENDS to keep me sane and give me a reality check once in a while and let me have my share of fun. And for that, I owe the world to you guys. (you know who you are) Thanks.

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