Wednesday, November 17, 2010

I love the way you LIE.

I always told myself while growing up that it's not what's on the outside but what's on the inside of a person. If people cant see what's good on the inside instead of judging from the outside, they arent worth the time or friendship. And as the years passed, the words have now become its not whats on the inside but what's on the outside. No matter how many times I want to believe that everything matters on the inside, society has now trained all of us to see and judge from the covers of ourselves. I'm brainwashed, as hard as that is to admit.

I feel like society just gets worse as the years pass. It's all about how you look. If you arent up to par, you can peace yourself out and pretty much be social suicide. (ok, thats an exaggeration)But like how its all about presenting yourself. You could have the most terrible work ethics, bad attitude, and could win the laziest award of the year courtesy of your parents but if you could simply dress yourself up, look over 25, and have a mouth piece..You can hold the world in your hands. It's all about false advertising yourself and lying your way to get the things you need. For example, a job interview. It's all about your way through EVERYTHING they ask. You say what they want to hear and BOOM, congratulations you have the job. Sometimes I look at some of these customer services that I recieve walking into a store and think HOW THE HELL did they get hired with that kind of rude attitude. Well, obviously they must have a mouth piece that could probably talk their way out of hell and what's new, they're fake.

Not only does this apply to jobs, but with relationships too. Lets be honest, you don't want to date someone that doesn't give you any type of eyecandy when you first meet them although we all want to believe its not true and we all have some "good" in us. (Unless you just had a REALLY great heart. i.e. Landon Carter from A walk to remember) Like the quote goes "Nice guys finish last" and in most cases, they do because nice guys dont care about their outer appearance more than the playa playas who constantly are on the fashion hype. Sometimes I feel like if only EVERY single one of us in this world ALL became blind, true love would be....well true real love. Cut out the phony egos, artificial bodies, and fake attitudes. Everyone would be real and would be judged by their personality and "goodness" of the heart, not by their looks. But that obviously would never happen. And everything would just fall back to "Its not what matters on the inside anymore, its all about the outside." If you don't pass above a 8 in our books, youre UNDER my league.

And as I am slowly moving into the real world looking for jobs and getting whats needed to be done, I present myself as another phony, artificial, and fake person. Something we all hate to admit ourselves to being but must accept to get by.

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