Thursday, November 25, 2010

Being Thankful.

Gee, where to start, where to start. I dont think this year couldve been more blessed for me. I have so much to be thankful for. God's just been giving me endless blessings after a TERRIBLE terrible year of 2009. But whats not to be thankful for? that I never found a job that could help support my needs (shoe fetish and Fa$tfood cravings) and help my parents pay a part of my rent..? eh, in return he's blessed me with one of the greatest internships i've ever been in and that optimism is really the key to success. Countless blessings after countless blessings. And yes, i wouldn't say that i've had a sucessful year without any problems cause that would just be... impossible, but a little stumbles here and there have made me realize more of what i DO have than what i DONT have and dont need yet or ever.

I'll admit, i know Thanksgiving till Christmas plus maybe New Years is usually everyones favorite. I tend to feel a heavy heart around this time. I dont know what it exactly is but it doesnt excite me as everyone else is. No matter how great my year went, somehow late november and december seem to always find a way to bring my spirits down. Anyway, While singing the old time hymn "Give thanks" at church last sunday for the annual thanksgiving service, the lyrics hit me pretty deep and made me realize that I have everything i need in my life and that i am soo thankful ...or at least more so than i am. This year feels different and I hope that the little string tugging my heart telling me that this year is going to be different is right. Eh... Here it goes..

Some things that I'm WAY grateful for and take for granted (unintentionally):

My family: I dont think times could be any harder financially for us since the economy has gone nuts. But even though times are rough, im glad that they sacrifice a lot of things for themselves so they could put me in school. And not only keep me in school but give me the complete college lifestyle of living away from home and on top of that, still being able to somehow get me things i want for my own desired/unecessary needs. Even with a snobby/ itchbay attitude, they manage to put up with, they still are able to tolerate me once a week. haha I guess the perks to living like a princess now is to have to give them free massages and rehab therapys once im a certified PT. -__-.

My friends: Theres way too many different groups that I roll with to name each and every one, but for the friends who have literally been there for me physically and emotionally. Who have taken the time to set aside some quality time and put efforts into making our friendship lasts. No words could describe how much our friendship means. Corny as that sounds, i'm dead serious. Some days, i just sit in a daze wondering how i'm blessed with such crazy yet amazingly great friends.

This year in general: The countless trips i've been on this year. The differents breathless scenes of every state I visited. The rollercoaster relationships. The friends who got married this year. The friends who got pregnant this year. The friends who all turned 21 this year. The friend who's son that had a tumor and fought against it and won. And the year that I found out that I'm in the "third quarter" finally graduating in less than two years. And through all of these memorable memories, everything was a blessing in disguise. It taught me so much more than being thankful but to keep God as #1 because without him i wouldnt have been able to say what I had done and experienced this year. =)

I have way more to be thankful for and I know the things I listed above are cliche but what do you expect? brain can barely function in this below freezing temperature. So i'll leave it at that and wish you and your family one of the best thanksgivings ever. Happy Holidays!

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