Tuesday, October 19, 2010

writer's block part II.

I've got horrible writers block again busy with midterms,papers, and a lil bit of bruno mars & oth on my mind but I have a couple of hilarious stories in mind, my i'll process them in my head for while, add some unecessary details to them, and share them with you. But for now, i've just been relaxing my brain with such great great great writings that have made it to my top ten favs of this month. I love, love, LAHV great pieces of peoples thoughts so i thought i'd share them with you..well some of them cause im greedy like that.

"Obviously there are things that I regret, things I would take back, things I would change if I could, but we all have to live with the residue of our choices, and the consequence of our actions."-Brooke Davis, on building her company and losing it all in a matter of seconds.

"...Letting go does not mean to necessarily completely forget, it just simply means to keep moving forward. For us to continue on our destination, we need to release all the excess baggage we have on our journey. We must learn to travel light, in essence in order for the show to go on, we should realize who should sit in the front row and who should be moved to the "balcony of our lives" but cause not everyone deserves a front row seat." -Carmela, on letting go of the past.

"It's incredible how with great ease and difficulty we manage to get through classes by copying answers to homework or doing a half-ass job week after week after week. Then exam time creeps up on you and you just realized how deep the hole you dug yourself is. One deep, dark pit of despair. It's amazing how easily we are able to dupe ourselves into believing we are trying when in actuality, we are doing the bare minimum. Doing just barely enough, whatever that entails, to get us through another day- one day closer to the weekend and then we can numb our brains and free ourselves from the claws of reality."- Shannon, on fooling ourselves with reality and school.

"...while a functional (might I add very needed) CD holder doesn't exactly scream "OMG I want to be your girlfriend!" (at least I hope it doesn't), I do think the whole simple notion and thought behind it whispers, "Hi. I was thinking about you. I hope you think about me too" (at least I hope it does). Yeah, yeah, yeah. The simple gesture could also say, "your lazy ass is never gonna buy your own cd holder and i'm tired of shit falling in my lap so here thanks FOR NOTHING." I guess it all depends on the people involved. But to me, regardless of how it's taken, or what the gift is, as cliche as it sounds, it really is the thought behind it. I rather get a pair of $60 Giant bleacher tickets "for nothing," than a thousand dollar "im sorry" tennis bracelets. Ultimately, a cd holder is just a cd holder. Not an engagement ring. Not a macbook. Not even a pair of Js. But while a cd holder really isn't anything, it was done for nothing. And that to me? Definitely means something. -Abi, on giving and receiving for "nothing".

"..I know, it's crazy, right? Target? Are we going to slow dance to a demo of Sounds of Nature over in the candles aisle of the Housewares section? Well, only if she's into that sort of thing! But even is she isnt, there's romance in target, people. Just think of all the things a person has to do in Target and what those things can reveal about a person. If we're in the greeting cards section and she says, "Oh wait, my co-worker just had a baby, I need to get her a card." I can tell shes thoughtful. If she is browsing for an extra long period of time in the cookware section, I believe it's safe to assume she enjoys cooking, and since I enjoy eating, a whole conversation about the kitchen can ensure. Every time I'm in Target, I enjoy grabbing one of the big balls and shooting it in the basket, so clearly she has gone out on a date with a big kid. The list goes on and on."
-Jozen, on going on a first date running errands

....ok, maybe its top five for this list. haha...

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