Friday, October 15, 2010

Defending the "different"

"He's different, He's not like all the other ones. Trust me."

You know how you're in relationships where your loved ones don't agree with your specific friend or "significant other"? They keep askin you why youre still with him in disapproval finding every reason why he's not any good for you. And then you try in every possible way to defend him by saying "He's not like the rest, he's different. I just know he is." Because now, in your world, you try everything in your power to try to find the little things that barely makes sense to make him "different" from the other guys. But in reality, the characteristics that make him "so different" are far less of what they think of why he's different.

And when they're tired of hearing all the disapproval, some couples have the nerves to say " So what, we Bonnie & Clyde, Us against the world."

Listen to the people who really look out for you sometimes. I'm not saying give up all hope on him. But they see from the outside of the bubble you're revolving your life around. As hard as it is to take in what they're saying, they mean nothing but good. Because eventually when relationships don't work with your loved ones 9 times out of 10, you'll have more trouble and problems fighting to mend relations with your "significant other" trying to change him to prove to your loved ones that he doesn't fit their negative stereotype when he knows nothing but to be and act like himself. And after you've defended him, got into multiple arguments with your loved ones about him, chose him over them, lost and sacrificed family and friends, he eventually did nothing but prove he was everything they told you he was in the end, "not different". So much for being "Us against the world, bonnie without clyde" huh?

And after your heart was just dumped into the gutter and lost everyone including him, you now have to work your way back into your family and friends heart that you've betrayed and go in with a thick face knowing that the next time you date and somebody close to you tells you they dont approve, don't take it lightly. Because nothing is worse showing up to family and friends gatherings without "him" and having them talk behind your back about what happened.

So next time you tell me "He's different from the others" I'm pretty sure he's not because if he was different you wouldn't have to explain we could just see for ourselves. So realize who youre defending, because in the end you'll just look like Bonnie without Clyde.

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