Thursday, October 7, 2010

When reality sets in.

GS Warriors freshman orientation, studying at the library, haunted houses, birthdays, reunions, and celebrations. Just some of the highlights of my week. Think about yours. Not just about the week but of the whole year.

I think even though I've had one of the best years of my life, there have been times through out the year that gives you a reality check about life. Life is precious & nothing is every promised tomorrow. I don't think we take that in enough as we should maybe because we don't want to think about negative things? But I think we've been so spoiled in our own little ways, we take everything for granted.

Some things can take us off our ass one second in excitement and and the next second sweep us right back on our asses. (Excuse the foul usage of the word ass for some readers.) Because you just never know what will happen the very next second. I'm just sayin cause I just experienced something so emotionally draining. Me and couple of high school friends planned to have this little reunion together talkin about how it'd be so fun with all this hype and then the next day, its cancelled cause one of our friends son was diagnosed with a tumor at age 3. Its so bittersweet that we all come together for each other. Bitter because we never hang out as much as we should..and sweet because everytime we do get together, its nothing but jokes, giggles and smiles. Then to find out a mutual friend from h.s. passed with bloodclot in the lungs ..all in one weekend. Terrible. Hold onto and cherish the ones you love because you just never know when they finish their mission here on earth.
R.I.P. jeannera magpantay.

But keep my lil friend RJ in your prayers while he goes through surgery monday.

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