Thursday, November 10, 2011

warm fuzzies

I think lately i've just been going with the flow of everything. Not having much emotions or two cents for anything or anyone. Ok maybe I take that back, I still have emotions for some people. But as for anything that goes for me lately, I just seem to think about it for at most an hour...let time pass then completely forget that it happened. I don't know if its a good mush brain thing that i enjoy having or a horrible trait/habit that i'm beginning to have. I.E. I got into a car accident and as an initial thought, you'd expect to be freaking out, pissed, scared, etc. but i think when i got into my first accident, i was just a bit upset for at most 30 minutes and the rest of the day/week was just flew past my mind and the thought never came back to me. Then recently I had extra mush brain and somehow completely forgot my car keys, wallet, house and bike keys were in my locker at work but by the time i remembered the door and alarm was set not being able to get into the building. I was carless, keyless, and wallet less, and was blessed enough to have a coworker bring me home but that didn't phase me for more than an hour. Maybe its beginning to take a toll on me because when things do seem to make a difference and actually have me thinking about it overnight, it probably means i should start being aware of my surroundings.

I guess I could just say i've been so blessed. Blessed with friends who have completely warmed my heart to learn to not give a crap about things that don't last forever. But that's not the point of why its motivated me to write about it on this. Its something thats been on my mind since last night after I decided to join the sjsu inter varsity group on campus last night. The last people i'd expect to see there, was there. And that super warm fuzzied feeling I've gotten since last night...a quote to sum up my emotions that are everywhere right now would probably just be "Lord I'm Amazed by you". I haven't seen my friend in two years that i've met since freshman year. Freshmen year full of basketball memories, party memories, when we first met new know the people you start college off with that always have a part in your heart no matter what. Seeing her was an amazing surprise and i think if you read from my previous blogs, I always just seem to enjoy it the most when my friends talk about growing up and doing something big for themselves and I believe she's doing that right now. And even better, rekindling friendships IN the presence of God. What more could I have asked for. I can't preach it anymore than I do but seriously, waiting for God's timing is the crucial key to learning and appreciating things in life. EVERYTHING happens for a reason and come what may, I hope these warm fuzzies stay with me for a while.

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