Monday, November 21, 2011

thanksgiving 2011

Theres so many things to be so blessed about this year. I know I'm early for a thanksgiving post but because my church celebrates thanksgiving the sunday before the real day, i felt that today would be my thanksgiving day to just look over the past year and see what i'm really grateful for. Even the unfortunate things that have happened this year, i seem to still be more than grateful matter how much it seems to slowly eat me alive inside out.

I think thats what growing up and maturing about is. Some things i'm more definitely grateful for and we can always be thankful for what we have that play a positive factor in our lives. But sometimes its not always about the positive things that we should always be thankful for. What changes and molds you the most are the negative things that you carry that makes you a better person because you're constantly striving for the better.

This year was the first year that my mom didn't celebrate thanksgiving with us at church. And this ongoing idea of her not going to church with us hadn't really hit me yet until I was at church seeing everyone take their family photos, but I believe God has some master plan behind his plan with my mom. And the only thing I can be patient for and still grateful for is that even though we'll have a part of our family missing while we do our usual church activities, her love and support for me hasn't changed and that I still have a mom to do that for me.

Another thing that i'm most thankful is the patience and tolerance i've learned over the past year through the situations. I've noticed that through many situations that i'd usually go crazy, keep grudges, get pissed off about, or be really upset with doesn't seem to phase me anymore. I'll think about it, stress a bit off of it, and move on with life. Its not something everyone can do on a daily basis..the thoughts are always lingering but theres not much time to waste on something that brings such negative energy in your life, just think about it and if it affects you, change it so it benefits you. Don't sit there wasting time over it because theres way more to life than that .5% of additional stress.

I would write more that I'm thankful for right now but I'm racing against time to grab some sleep and my minds keeping me from completely sorting out my thoughts so i'll leave you with a jist of what I'm thankful for and i hope you can think outside of the box to find things that you're usually not thankful for but is.

happpppyyy thanksgiving, gobble gobble.

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