Wednesday, November 30, 2011


Satisfaction 02:
Coming home on a mediocre mood to see your dog and he/she's wagging their tail like crazy at the sight of you. #bestfeelingever

Tuesday, November 29, 2011


Theres just some things in life that I would just ponder upon randomly throughout the day and just be so thankful for being so blessed. I think about some of the best feelings that one could feel and theres just so many. So to keep me up to date on this blog, everytime i think of one, I'll post it up. Heres the first

Satisfaction 01:
That moment when you stick out your hands to see if a baby wants to come to you and the moment they choose you and not turn away. #Bestfeelingever

Saturday, November 26, 2011

greedy friday

As for most would say right now after thanksgiving is over and black friday just tip toed right by us, THANK YOU JESUS the NBA lockout is over. I thought i would be able to be happy and satisfied without it until this year when season did start when it should have made it a weird year like something was missing. No warriors pre- party while meeting the players along with the traditional opening game with my friends...all we had were these pity charity games that would save us from our misery and dire need of the taste of some basketball season. Now that they finally have agreed on being less greedy, we can now be one big happy basketball family.

Black friday schpeal was a fail thanks to fellow flakers who shouldnt really be mentioned but will be anyway...alyssa and brandon -___- who up to the date told me they were going to bare the cold and wait in line with me at bestbuy but told me two hours before the wait time that they were not going to go through with plans..ARGH. nonetheless, their missing presence didnt stop me and i bared the cold for 3.5 precious hours and indeed got everything i intended to go for. And yes, I came out as a happy camper...excluding the fact that I have learned my lesson. The lesson being that the greedier and greedier the economy has become with black friday with beginning the sales at 12am, i will get my rest and wake up at 4am where the lines have died out and the doorbusters will still be there as long as im not trying to cop a t.v. (But of course if you tell me this in person, I will never admit to it)

Hooray for deep discounts on my memory cards, crazy stupid love, love and other drugs, harddrives, ipod armbands, FUZZY SOCKS and random other crap that dove a huge hole in my account. Guess after Christmas is when i'll really have to start saving up for the big vacations i plan on doing in 2012.

Monday, November 21, 2011

thanksgiving 2011

Theres so many things to be so blessed about this year. I know I'm early for a thanksgiving post but because my church celebrates thanksgiving the sunday before the real day, i felt that today would be my thanksgiving day to just look over the past year and see what i'm really grateful for. Even the unfortunate things that have happened this year, i seem to still be more than grateful matter how much it seems to slowly eat me alive inside out.

I think thats what growing up and maturing about is. Some things i'm more definitely grateful for and we can always be thankful for what we have that play a positive factor in our lives. But sometimes its not always about the positive things that we should always be thankful for. What changes and molds you the most are the negative things that you carry that makes you a better person because you're constantly striving for the better.

This year was the first year that my mom didn't celebrate thanksgiving with us at church. And this ongoing idea of her not going to church with us hadn't really hit me yet until I was at church seeing everyone take their family photos, but I believe God has some master plan behind his plan with my mom. And the only thing I can be patient for and still grateful for is that even though we'll have a part of our family missing while we do our usual church activities, her love and support for me hasn't changed and that I still have a mom to do that for me.

Another thing that i'm most thankful is the patience and tolerance i've learned over the past year through the situations. I've noticed that through many situations that i'd usually go crazy, keep grudges, get pissed off about, or be really upset with doesn't seem to phase me anymore. I'll think about it, stress a bit off of it, and move on with life. Its not something everyone can do on a daily basis..the thoughts are always lingering but theres not much time to waste on something that brings such negative energy in your life, just think about it and if it affects you, change it so it benefits you. Don't sit there wasting time over it because theres way more to life than that .5% of additional stress.

I would write more that I'm thankful for right now but I'm racing against time to grab some sleep and my minds keeping me from completely sorting out my thoughts so i'll leave you with a jist of what I'm thankful for and i hope you can think outside of the box to find things that you're usually not thankful for but is.

happpppyyy thanksgiving, gobble gobble.

Thursday, November 17, 2011

5 is the norm

Theres this on going of bittersweetness that I've been feeling for the past two years. I'd say more of a bitter now than of sweet just because as times crunching and moneys wasting, I still can't get some of the classes that I need to get me out of this school that we call "college". What gets me the most is when people who are so judgmental towards the students who take over four years to graduate. Its one thing to understand that some may not have their things together and another thing to understand that for some of us, we don't want or choose to be here for over 4 years. But because we ended up being part of the horrible california budget crisis, we're stuck here without being able to get any classes or barely getting any classes to graduate within the four years. 5 years is the NORM for graduating on time, and for those of you to not have to deal with it every semester...praying, hoping, and losing sleep every semester near registration time, is something you'd have to shut your mouth, understand, and have a more positive attitude towards our struggles.

It has gotten to be the biggest pet peeve where people have come up to me every week asking me, when are you graduating and as I tell them some time between the next year and half, they give me this dirty look like i've been slacking off and it gives them something to look down on me for. If only they knew and understood what state students go through DYING to get these classes. No one wants to be in that stage of knowledge knowing that they WANT to be in college for over 4 years, even though its way more fun than the real world. And no one definitely wants to drop way over 2 g's every semester pretty much donating to the crisis. If only the people would understand that we do try and its not a guaranteed four year degree. And of everyone to understand, I wish my parents would be the first ones to see that I have been trying, that I am trying and that i am not trying to prolong my graduation because I'm in love with the thought of college and living the college life, but its really because of the damn crisis of getting the classes that ARENT being offered at the same time.

"It is more important to know where you are going than to get there quickly. Do not mistake activity for achievement." -Mabel Newcomber

Monday, November 14, 2011

Does anybody know youre a christian?

This spoken word hit me the hardest cause it speaks nothing but the truth. It def explains everything I'm trying to work on but cant seem to reciprocate anything a Christian should be portraying. Kudos to Karness (the guy speaking)

Saturday, November 12, 2011

"And once the storm is over you won’t remember how you made it through, how you managed to survive. You won’t even be sure, in fact, whether the storm is really over. But one thing is certain. When you come out of the storm you won’t be the same person who walked in. That’s what this storm’s all about." -Haruki Murakami

Thursday, November 10, 2011

warm fuzzies

I think lately i've just been going with the flow of everything. Not having much emotions or two cents for anything or anyone. Ok maybe I take that back, I still have emotions for some people. But as for anything that goes for me lately, I just seem to think about it for at most an hour...let time pass then completely forget that it happened. I don't know if its a good mush brain thing that i enjoy having or a horrible trait/habit that i'm beginning to have. I.E. I got into a car accident and as an initial thought, you'd expect to be freaking out, pissed, scared, etc. but i think when i got into my first accident, i was just a bit upset for at most 30 minutes and the rest of the day/week was just flew past my mind and the thought never came back to me. Then recently I had extra mush brain and somehow completely forgot my car keys, wallet, house and bike keys were in my locker at work but by the time i remembered the door and alarm was set not being able to get into the building. I was carless, keyless, and wallet less, and was blessed enough to have a coworker bring me home but that didn't phase me for more than an hour. Maybe its beginning to take a toll on me because when things do seem to make a difference and actually have me thinking about it overnight, it probably means i should start being aware of my surroundings.

I guess I could just say i've been so blessed. Blessed with friends who have completely warmed my heart to learn to not give a crap about things that don't last forever. But that's not the point of why its motivated me to write about it on this. Its something thats been on my mind since last night after I decided to join the sjsu inter varsity group on campus last night. The last people i'd expect to see there, was there. And that super warm fuzzied feeling I've gotten since last night...a quote to sum up my emotions that are everywhere right now would probably just be "Lord I'm Amazed by you". I haven't seen my friend in two years that i've met since freshman year. Freshmen year full of basketball memories, party memories, when we first met new know the people you start college off with that always have a part in your heart no matter what. Seeing her was an amazing surprise and i think if you read from my previous blogs, I always just seem to enjoy it the most when my friends talk about growing up and doing something big for themselves and I believe she's doing that right now. And even better, rekindling friendships IN the presence of God. What more could I have asked for. I can't preach it anymore than I do but seriously, waiting for God's timing is the crucial key to learning and appreciating things in life. EVERYTHING happens for a reason and come what may, I hope these warm fuzzies stay with me for a while.

Tuesday, November 8, 2011

broke ta broke broke

we're so broke these days, a coin drops in class and the WHOLE class slowly turns around to see what amount of the coin that dropped so we can scramble and wrestle for it if its 25cents or more. shameless world these days. With christmas around the corner, stingyness comes in spoils all the fun for presents. haha just kidding. I cant WAIT for this semester to be over and done with...even though i dont want the next semester/year to arrive...since you know, we all might not make it past 2011! haha y2k all over again...stupid people. =D