Monday, February 28, 2011

Restaurant BIZ part I:

I'll probably have more vents to offer to this blog and you guys till i quit so i decided to just break em' into parts.

For those who arent my friends via FB, I got a new job at a restaurant that's usually packed or at least always busy with a 1-2 hour wait during peak hours of dinner. I served customers last friday and didnt have much to complain about because I got nice and polite customers for the most part. key word: for the most part.

After working two days, I must say this world has some FOR-REAL rude ASSS, no class, snobby, think they are king and queens of this world people. Its almost unbelievable. -__-. Today had gotten to be the worse while running the host position for the night. Here's some of the many things I got from tonights shift. And in no way do i mean to be racists and call out these groups of people, but if you know me.... i can do the full on accent for you if you see me in person.

A group of 6 filipinos:
me: Sorry guys, we were just informed there are no more lobsters for the night, we ran out. Sorry about that.
fobs: Oht mai gosh, we'be been waidin por ahn hour! con't you get more por us?
me: sorry i don't provide them im just hosting for the night, but your table is re-ady.
fobs: ok, yay..pinally.. oht wait, we don't want to seet dere but we goin tu seet here and order unteel dee next tay-bel ees ready.
me: uh sorry, i dont think we can do that but i will talk to a server to help you.
fobs: ok, you hab tu moob us becass we are prom chicagee..
me: *turns around... and mumbles under my breath "and what makes you think i care to "moob" you because youre from chicaGEE?" ....and because customers are always right, we moved them.. SMH

a group of 6 indians:
me: ____ party of 3, ______party of 2...etc etc.
indian man who doesnt know his own name: when are we up? we've been waiting for so long.
me: whats your name?
indian: Mark...
me: sorry theres no mark here..
indian: o sorry, i mean jillian..
me: o_O ...really? you dont know what name you put it under but is complaining? have 15 tables ahead of you sir..
indian: can you do me a favor and move me up the list, we've been waiting for so long?
me: uh im sorry i cant do that, people ahead of you got here earlier and have been waiting longer . (and this cheap-o didnt even bother to slip me some ca$h while asking me to move him up the list) they finally get seated..and on the way out, his wife steals our decoration necklaces. REALLY? SMH again, i hope i never see them again.

I know its the restaurant biz dealing with people but I thought I couldnt have it any worse compared to referee and the jerks i get from that... but i think this restuarant biz is WAY worse with way more annoying people.

Saturday, February 26, 2011


I know i'm long overdue with this for the past two weeks, but his renditions for the grammys and the nba allstar weekend was off thee hook...and in case you missed it, ch-ch-check it!

and Just the way you are- sunday remix

Tuesday, February 22, 2011

07: Your zodiac sign and if it fits your personality

07: Capricorn

I never really believed in these things, but I won't deny that sometimes they are creepishly true on the random days I do check up on it just for kicks and giggles. I decided to check and dig up some deets they got down about capricorns...and heres some of the many things that I agree with/fits my personality.

"The sign Capricorn is one of the most stable and (mostly) serious of the zodiacal types. These independent, rocklike characters have many sterling qualities. They are normally confident, strong willed and calm. These hardworking, unemotional, shrewd, practical, responsible, persevering, and cautious to the extreme persons, are capable of persisting for as long as is necessary to accomplish a goal they have set for themselves. Capricorn are reliable workers in almost any profession they undertake. They are the major finishers of most projects started by the 'pioneering' signs; with firm stick-to-it-ness they quickly become the backbone of any company they work for.

They are somewhat self-centered but not excessively so, wary and cautious around people they do not know very well, preferring not to meddle with others and in turn not to allow interference with themselves, thus they tend to attract people who do not understand them. Casual acquaintances they will treat with diplomacy, tact and, above all, reticence. They make few good friends but are intensely loyal to those they do make, and they can become bitter, and powerful enemies. They sometimes dislike the opposite sex and test the waters of affection gingerly before judging the temperature right for marriage. "


I know I always have these new dogs that just melt my heart, but this dog has gotten to be thee cutest and friendliest of them all. My roommates cousins dog, Gracie.

some real puppy eyes.

rub-a-tummy keeps her calm and attentive. photocred: S.Yen.

"kick off your shoes and relax your all night.."

Because most days should just be like this...enjoying technology with nature, catching up, campfire style without the camp ..and fire all the while relaxing and utilizing the seldom used porch.

Monday, February 21, 2011

spoken word.

haven't heard such a good spoken word in a while.

06: 30 Interesting Farts. I mean FACTS.

1. I hate everything last minute..especially last minute people.

2. I secretly live for the verbal harassment I get from the fans while reffing despite how much I complain, it only makes me stronger.

3. I'm better at writing than at speaking though sometimes I wish it was the other way around. (aka a mouthpiece)

4. I rarely watch tv..unless its Oprah, Boy meets world, Saved by the bell, One tree hill, or GSwarriors.

5. I've come to the conclusion that music does heal all wounds, yes. ALL wounds including cuts and scrapes.

6. I'm in LOVE with San Francisco. Anything san francisco im down for. Actually anything Bay Area, I'm down for, but SF first.

7. Being a girl was never this fun growing up...

8. I'm all about 90's hip hop and r&b, the hairstyle, clothes, shoes, and everything about it. If I could theme every event something...i'd make it 90's.

9. Quotes are so essential in life, its short enough to keep my attention span in tact and interested and not long enough to doze off. short and sweet, right to the point

10. SJSU and this CALI economic system is eating us alive and throwing our bones down this deep unknown hole.

11. I've learned this world is a selfish/everyone for themselves world excluding the nooks and crannys of some areas.

12. But with that being said, watching Oprah and some of the people she interviews on the show make me want to be a better person. I want to meet that one person that defines and reminds me that the world still has good people, so I can learn from their example.

13. I hate, HATE, HATE the rain. Other than the fact that it gives us water, it does me no good, its unsafe, and keeps you from doing things..and no, I don't like the sound of rain tapping on my window, it doesn't soothe my ears.

14. My past obnoxious years have been eating me in the butt lately.. Everytime a friend shares TMI about their bathroom or gassy stories and I tell them that's gross, it never fails for them to come back with a "...coming from the girl who used to...." -__-

15. I plan to write a letter to Oprah in hopes of meeting her. Believe it or not, impossible = I'm Possible!

16. I'm easily annoyed but it takes a lot for me to be angry..and when i do hit that stage or boiling point, all hell breaks loose. dont judge.

17. Is it unprofessional to burst out laughing when a patient farts while observing them excercise at the PT clinic?

18. I dislike Lebron James with a Passion.

19. I still plan on getting my license plate that reads :a1v3r5oN, as I promised myself 10 yrs ago that I would do that when I bought my first car.

20. I wish they had a Dean on your side like 7 on your side....except of complaining about random drama, we can report those doggone lame horrible no good of a professor who do us dirty!!

21. The only thing I look forward to driving back n forth to and from SJ is rockin hella hard on the airdrums to whatever floats my boat on my ipod.

22. Sometimes I wish I never had a conscience..with so much undercover guilt.

23. I enjoy gang, thug life, hardcore, mob, prison-life stories and movies.

24. DSW is my new shoeheaven. Never thought I'd say that it would replace footlocker and similar stores to that.

25. I wish my parents owned H&M or i could get endless hookups with their endless cute clothes.

26. I wish I could drop out of school, become a self made millionaire by somehow traveling the world and then give back to the underpriveleged.

27. This 30 interesting facts is way too long for its own good and is taking me forever to finish.

28. Sometimes I wish I was still in love with basketball the way I was back when life didn't have responsibilities other than school and practicing basketball.

29. Pre-wedding/engagement videos melt my heart. ie: shadetreefilms

30. I hope and pray one day, I find the prince to my charming, love to my life, sole to my mate, the heart to my soul..and be the happiest evvvvvvver.forever ever? forever ever.

Saturday, February 19, 2011

World Series Life!

Braved the rain for about an hour, frozen toes, filipino language left and right, umbrella pushers,no playa parking..Yea, I'd say it was worth the wait to see the bad boy. Now I can say, I saw it up close and personal!
The trophy itself!

Friday, February 18, 2011

Rainy Days.

"Everyone from the place, Come on with your rain,
I've got a smile on my face! I'll walk down the lane
With a happy refrain, Just singin', singin' in the rain!"

Thursday, February 17, 2011

Japantown--San Jose, CA

Did a random stroll through Japantown-sanjose..and finally brought out my camera since decades. I forgot how much I loved this hobby.
"God rest our souls cause I know I might meet you up at the cross-roads" -Bonethugs. ...because everyone and everything needs to be checked with handcuffs sometimes..even bicycles.
A token Taqueria and Chinese restaurant in the middle of Japantown, how classy.

Wednesday, February 16, 2011

"We are always getting ready to live but never living." -Ralph Waldo Emerson

Monday, February 14, 2011

todays valentines day?

Friday, February 11, 2011

In relations to God..

"My faith is in God. Like, look who I'm rolling with. Look who my gang really is. My gang is God. Come on, now, I don't have fear." -DIDDY

Wall Street Journal about "God at the Grammys". Lady GaGa's was def an interesting portion of it...check it out:

Tuesday, February 8, 2011

04: What are your views on religion?

“Going to church doesn’t make you a Christian any more than standing in a garage makes you a car”- G.K. Chesterton (via s.go's)

I think for the most part everyone knows me as a someone who goes to church on the daily. I know as Christians we're supposed to evangelize the bible and be able to convert non Christians to becoming Christians. But to be honest, it's not as easy as it sounds. It probably sounds horrible coming from a girl who attends church every.single.sunday...excluding mini vacays that carry over on sundays...but I've come to the conclusion that I think I need to worry about myself and where I place my relationship with God before I go and help others. Call me selfish, but if i can't even focus on getting myself to heaven...theres less of a chance i'd be there saving you.

Although I do attend church and firmly believe that I have a strong relationship with God, I'm not one to be a hypocrite and say things (like many other christians out there) .."if you do that you wont be going to heaven..." etc. Cause then, who am I to judge. Cause I know for a well known fact that eventhough I have been a daily church attender since I was born, I have done things in my life that are probably viewed as deathly sins. It's not any one's place to judge what anyone does. Hate the game, not the playa...right?

But I will say that, people do make mistakes and personal choices. My view on religion stands for me personally is that God is #1 and that he does run my life. So you do your thing, whatever it may be, and I'll do mine... As long as we end up in the same place life after death eternally, i'll be satisfied.

Sunday, February 6, 2011

because high fives are more important than....

...winning a game. practice. practice. practice high fives.REPEAT. love, kevin love.

and then his reflection on such an awkward situation...

...except I dont know if giving the excuse of being an awkward kid since day one suffices for such embarassing moments in such serious big times. HAHA.

Friday, February 4, 2011

Effort to afford friends, true friends.

“Don’t wait for people to be friendly. Show them how.” -Unknown

That quote kind of just contradicts the story of my life for the time being as of right now. I've come to the conclusion that this world is a messed up, greedy, and selfish-filled place. In my opinion, I dont think its getting any better even though theres "people" trying to make it a better place. I don't want to come off as a negative nancy and just have this mentality of "hating the world" kind of idea, but realistically I've learned that you just have to do you to make it in this world. Only you can make that difference and only you can make yourself happy. But after that finding that quote, I think it's well..., quite helpful. I don't want to sit and sulk in the negative atmosphere the world has to offer me. So instead of only being nice to the people who treat me nice, I think for a change, I'll be nice and show them HOW to be nice. Because in the end, the only person looking and probably feeling stupid when I'm being nice while their an ass, is them.

On that note, I've been on this hype as I've grown older to try and be the best friend I could make myself to be and have the same expectations I would have for my friends to treat me. Grant it I may not be a good friend to all but for the most part in return for the true friends I've got, I try to do the same. Often times, I lie in bed contemplating on what does make a good friend. And when I have a crappy week, my friends are always somehow there to pick me up even though they dont know how crappy my week has been. They cook me surprise breakfasts, call me over for taco nights, take me out, buy me drinks, etc. Providing for me and including me obviously doesn't just complete my definition of a good true friend, but it sure does make up a big portion of it. It's being there for your friend and putting in the effort. It's not calling or trying to catch up with them when you want something, need a hook up, or your bored/lonely. Or using the infamous excuse of distance being an issue. It's the 21st century, where girls ask out the boys...likewise don't hesitate to pick up the phone and make those life-changing calls!

I've had many many many friends through out my years of middle school, high school, and now college. Some have remained my friends since and the memories never seem to fail a laughter when we get together and reminisce. But for the ones who I've thought would share a lifetime with....has upset me. Upset me not because they arent my friends anymore but upset me because of the way our friendship turned out in the end. But I guess I shouldn't sulk in the pity-ness of our what has now become an "ex friend". Because like they say "Don't worry about the people in your past, theres a reason why they didn't make it to your future." I'll believe that.

So what does make a true friend? 24 ways to be a true friend (via tinybuddha)

1. Always be there, even in silence.

2. Be kind and listen. Be fun and light. Be serious when needed, love extensively, and forgive always.

3. Don’t be scared to tell each other the truth no matter how difficult it may be.

4. Guide each other in times of need with your honest opinions.

5. A true friend is someone who always listens and is genuinely interested in the good and bad, and someone who calls or writes just to say hello.

6. Be loyal in confidence and character, always open and inviting to share concerns, always honest even if you disagree.

7. A true friend tries his best to cheer you up when you are upset and makes you feel special.

8. Try and improve their life though your friendship.

9. Be who you truly are—be that vulnerable–and provide the other person the space, safety and choice to do the same.

10. Be genuinely happy when they get, receive, or achieve something you truly desire.

11. Share the truth in your heart, without the fear of misunderstandings.

12. Be loyal and forgive but above all: love and respect.

13. Accept the person as they are, as an individual, without conditions. Also, as important as it is for you to be there for them, sometimes you have to be willing to let them be there for you.

14. Remain friends despite a person’s choices in life and don’t bail on them when they aren’t who you want them to be.

15. A true friend always supports the person but doesn’t feel compelled to support the situation. A true friend knows how and when to say the firm, “No.”

16. Help yourself and those closest to you grow. To live means to grow, and a true friend is someone that you can honestly say has helped define you as an individual.

17. Celebrate the wins and being there to support the losses. Keep your word and acknowledge it when you don’t.

18. Walk in to a friend’s aid when others are walking out.

19. Don’t hold grudges over petty disagreements.

20. Show up! You can pretend to care but you cannot pretend to show up.

21. A true friend is someone you feel as comfortable with as you do when you are by yourself. No illusions, no holding back.

22. Be there for the other person in the same way you would be there for yourself. Granted, if you can’t be there for yourself, that’s probably something you should address first.

23. Don’t let your own stuff get in the way. The ego is powerful.

24. Know someone’s least admirable characteristics and still love and support them.

"it’s integral to our happiness that we show people who we truly are, allow ourselves to know them in return, and then remind each other through actions—small or large—that we care. " -L. Deschene