Wednesday, September 2, 2009

race card.

"Every race got their own stereotypes and flaws"

we even stop to hate our own people at times. but Damn haha some people be really puttin themselves into stereotypes! it aint racist..but you already know your own stereotype..
like yea i know my chinese people cant drive..
but it dont mean you filipinos dont drive around like you own the world with your old generation bmw or mercedes... snobbin' it around
or you vietnamese people aren't annoying when you be doin ppl's nails talkin hella smack in viet like nobody knows you talkin smack..
or you indian people be stanky legg'n with your spices..idk if thats a turn on ..or turn off.. or you black people doing crimes left and right, but when you call it out..they pull that race card.."its cause i'm black..etc."
or you burmese community that has GOT to have the biggest mouths.. word gets around faster than you can snap your fingers. or you white people aren't hella ignorant acting as if the sun rises and sets on your ass.
or you mexicans aren't out to steal my bike or whoevers bike...=\ or....... shoot you already know the rest, need i explain more?

im not tryna call nobody out...but shoot you already know yourselves and your people...cause i know you done it before yellin it to somebody who did you wrong..... "Damn you ______ people!" (fill _____ with any race)

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