Saturday, September 19, 2009


so i know this is probably unecessary to share..on my blog..but shannon wanted me to blog my story of one of the worse nights of my life yesterday...Most of you know my many poop incidents, which are by far theee most embarassing and most annoying nightmares of a lifetime. Me and poo are not good friends. but i will leave the rest of my other stories to when we meet face to face if you are obnoxiously interested. enjoy and don't eat before or during you read the following LONG paragraph.

ohh lunch time..preparing food while i get the urge to drop some kids off at the pool. who knew my kids would be so stubborn..i musta not drank enough water or something..or who knew what was on the menu..but sweet jesus they were stubborn.. so whatever i finish do the usual flushing..great. i just sh*ted, embarassingly i just close the toilet seat cover and walk out like nothing totally happened...guilty feeling-ed i just jokingly told my roommates who were so engaged in watching espn that i shitted bricks and if they had a handy plunger...not thinking they surprisingly just said eh..ok..and said i go up stairs to ask shannon who gives me a toilet cleaner as a plunger... Cary, on the other hand goes "you needa get a plunger soon, thats no joke" so being the lazy ass i am takes a 2 hour break..naps, blogs, reads, etc...and finally decides to go out and search for one..instead i treat myself out to Toys R us and pinkberry..then finally got to walmart to buy the only plunger that was $2.98. not bad..hopefully it works..tell me why i get frikin poo was originally solid became diarrhea. FML. i stick the plunger in AND i CANT EVEN see the hole its so disgusting and gross... im i was giving a child CPR ....till i pulled out the plunger with water splashin all over the place cause i kept thinking i finished plunging and if i flush it'll be all gone..well, i was wrong..the brown water just kept coming closer and closer to my face....ALL while my lazy roommates totally didnt even come to help(jk).. to top it off, i look at the plunger and the cheap ass plunger is folded up the other way because its too soft and cheap. thank God krystal let me borrow hers...and worked on that damn toilet for an hour plunging it while havin it splash all over..not just the toilet seat/floors...but my damn hand. =\...boy, was i pissed. on top of it i couldnt even breath cause i had to hold my nose and it was SOOO HOTTTT and stankyleg i literally coulda fainted in my own shit. finally after having to plunge it faster to make it actually finally made some growling noise and sucked my poo up. GAHHHHHH it was the happiest moment of the year..i celebrated with pizza night after i lysoled down the whole bathroom floor and toilet plus sink.. Thank God for saved my life and im sure it has saved yours!Sorry to you who read all the way through and didnt see no pics...i couldnt even handle it myself.

anyways that reminds me of the old days.."" HAHA good memories.
lesson of the day: dont EVER buy cheap flimsy plungers, especially from walmart.. but this is the one that saved my life...the "COBRA"...get wid it or GET your own crap.

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