Tuesday, September 1, 2009

1st of the month

Its mid-way through the second week of school and my brain is tense.. i know i should enjoy my time in school cause i know i'll never get this in my life again..just gotta go with time as it passes. then i'll realize when i start working that i wanna go back to school so i can sit here and actually relax without having to wake up at in the early am's to go to work everyday..with no summer vacays.
anyway, this picture reminds me of grandview park..aka turtle hill caught on a nice sunset..and because i just seen my first shooting star the other night while sittin out enjoyin this hot weather on a summer night with d. ahhhhh beautiful.
“at times, we gotta stop and smell the cool breeze
gotta slow it down and spend time with the seeds.
sometimes we just need to sit still.
and master our breath like a monk in tibet.
sometimes i feel the need to cry
to release the fear through my tears and keep it moving.
sometimes you can’t hold on to the river when it flows. where it goes, i just don’t know.
there are times in your life when you have to learn when to let go.
embrace the experience so you can continue to grow.”
-lady bug mecca

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