Wednesday, September 9, 2009


"God Chose Memphis as the place that I will continue my career. I met with Mr. Heinsley, Chris Wallace and my next head coach Lionel Hollins" -A.I. via twitter

090909-....Iversons moving AGAIN?! what in the world...its a good thing i didnt buy no detroit-warriors season tickets, or else i'd have to go to a shitty pistons game with the star playing!

Oh so jealous of you if only golden state would be smart enough to take the most talented player in history (next to MJ, of course) goodbye blue&red...hello to the ugliest team in the league..might i add crappiest. the team doesnt even have one decent franchise player..other than their assistant coach damon stoudamire, a past lightweight franchise player. ugh, 2009 is not good to me.

"I feel that they are committed to developing a winner and I know that I can help them to accomplish that. I feel that I can trust them."-A.I. via twitter.
i almost want to doubt that lookin at their roster..then again iverson works miracles like he did with the 6ers.

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