Wednesday, September 30, 2009

all the single ladies...

this is hilarious, dont let the mask fool you, its not scary... haha

Tuesday, September 29, 2009

“ Sometimes we tend to be in despair when the person we love leaves us, but the truth is, it’s not our loss, but theirs. For they left the only person who wouldn’t give up on them." Sex & the City

80s baby.

jackie's 80s themed birthday party...didnt get much pics..but i loved how majority of the people put hella effort into dressing 80s...its too cute..i think the best dressed had got to be had the whole LLcoolJ fit on with the adidas fit and kangol hat status..but unfortunately, i dont have a pic of him. apparently i didnt put much effort into my fit after lookin at all the girls! haha but i basically just wore an old school adidas jacket from the 80s..baggy jeans and my jordanXIII with the thick tongue. you can check it out on the modid pics on my FB.

the only pic of the birthday girl.

beerpong anyone?
balloon contest..

lost ducky./s
the clubhouse marge's dad made all by himself!..tooo sick..
bottom of the loft.
tooooo sick...ima learn how to build this bad boy one day..
mish just came from a workout..kanyes work out plan.. hahaha

Knowing your roots.

"Those who don't know history are doomed to repeat it"-Edmund Burke. equaled to being like an ignorant person knowing nothing about your culture, expand your horizons and get out of your nutshell once in a while. Some people i know are just not grateful enough about their culture and its ughnoying.
"In our case, part of the problem was knowing what to give up for each other and knowing what to keep for ourselves" -Quinn; One Tree Hill
on sacrifices.

sunrise to sunset.

oohh...this weekend, was mos DEF a relaxer..just got my mind off all the annoying school stress this semester has been giving me.. sunday...i decided to catch sunrise off the best place...twin peaks..i almost missed it..but was still kinda late when they shut off all the lights except market.. boo. neways then decided to trip it out with the aussies to ggbridge at night...what a breather!

forget an "empire state of mind" its all bout the "SF state of mind"
from the top's panoramic or least a super far panoramic. hah
bunch of alcohol trash uptop which you'll see...heres mr. Jack Daniels.
trashy toilet that it wont even close to clean disrespectful.
Sutro tower.
The COBRA seems to be quite a popular snake name lately..first the the alkie!?
mickey sittin a top the city.
mmmm...can never get enough of this.
this crazy huge bird that flew my way..i forgot what they're called..we'll say..the "bald eagle" for now..
"But those who hope in the Lord will renew their strength. They will soar on wings like eagles, they will run and not grow weary, they will walk and not be faint." -Isaiah 40:31
Rude, ignorant, and ungrateful people leaving alcohol everywhere like its a liquor store. can you spot ALL the alk bottles.
don't forget the party red cups...
The fog lying over the sunset district.
Double wouble Emily's. The American & Austrailian version.
Y.A.F. + saya rupee.
All eyes on the Aussie.
his fam...
mae with the aussies.
im jealous of and mae
gotta get that jump!Emily's fam fam.
sunset over my hammys.
me and super cutie levi.
through the eyes of a prisoner...
livin the the fast lane...GLAMOROUS...

the sunset was tooo nice...

Monday, September 28, 2009


I dont mean to put it on blast but im too eggzited......
Congratulations Htoi & Andrew on your engagement!!!!! small teeth power!!!!!!
2010, please bee good to me.

p-town's fog Fest.

star trek..or the pink ranger..
shannon's catwoman costume for howlaween.
hahah creeper.
the real samurai creeper.
oh!..theres mabel's pet rat..shes been lookin all over for it..
sand castle contest...
egypts pryamid.
aww.. no details yet..
"miss pacifica" no joke.
hahaha hurt. they should have a section where the "miss pacificas" have to have nice writing.
they're "castle"
with a skull...
mmm the city from birds eye view
pugs on sale..or i mean the HATS for the pugs...o gosh ahhaha
tooooo cute.
taste testers...
shoulder to shoulder people...ughnooying.
mmmm keylime calamari with pesto sauce..yummay.
and a special surprise ..p & nana!