Wednesday, May 14, 2008

stubbe government

wow. the government in burma is just stupid as dirt. anyways our church has set up a relief fund for whoever wants to donate and we will match up the money you donated. if you dont get it, i understand its confusing. but heres the flyer information since i cant get the pics and exact decoration stuff on this blog.
Matching Your Donation
Cyclone Relief Fund for Burma (Myanmar)
May 12 through May 31, 2008
Oakland Burmese Mission Baptist Church
will match your donation dollars toward cyclone relief fund for Burma up to
$ 10,000 (Ten Thousand U.S. dollars) during May 12 through May 31 2008.
All donation check or cash must proceed through OBMBC’s ledger account
for cyclone relief fund for Burma. Please contact for your donation at
let me know if youre a tad bit miniscule-d interested.just think about how much 1 dollar could make a HUGE difference, let alone 25 cents.
on another note, i have exactly two days of school left and i am "good girl you wanna get on out there"..(moving out). YEAHHHOOOO. sumhow i kinda dont wanna move out but i do. all i've been doin minorly this week was la parteria. and just cleanin up..forget finals, they're bs!. i will cut finals and bonquiqui up. i'll post memories lata bout my extravanganza at san jo. if we're all lucky, maybe i can catch a pic with my roomie ive tortured and b-----tched about before she leaves TOMORROWWW!!!

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