Tuesday, May 20, 2008

my B!

deepest apologies for not blogging for the past week!..i know youre all juiced up when its loading to this page then when it gets here...its the same STUBBE govt. haha my b!..im so busy these days..or if im not busy, im just straight lazyy!..but i'll update ya for a bit

so i am officially done with school at least my freshmen year of college!..i must say i will miss it ALOT. but, im glad to say im done with san jo's horrible allergies. ...but i will go into more details with pics prolly hopefully in the next blog so then i can update you later bout CAMP!...first youth/jr fellowship camp this weekend at jenessss park! i hope it'll be crackin.

been doing and attending all these fundraiser relief concert and food fairs for burma's cyclone victims and to hopefully soon one day murder (i know its a harsh word but it definitely fits it) the government including the presidenttoooo..they're dogs i tell ya... they will be cuh-ut uhhpp *with lips emphasized while saying* (watch bon qui qui vid if clueless.)

to top off all the busy schedu-al...this weekend will be a killer busy week..its almost as if may 24th is a HOLIDAY..if ya kno wut i mean. =) but ontop of everything everything?....ive been restockin on my closet and drawers with thousands of unecessary tshirts from san jo..and ov course the refugees have a new set of clothes to choose from. hah. and on top of that....ive been lookin for apts off campus to live next year cuz this 925 a month for a walk in closet aint float-in my boat righh now.. so if you kno any hook ups, HOOK IT UP BRAAA! and on top of everything else, i have to clean n tidy my room and give up my hotel stataz crackin room for a week thanks to a cyclone survivor aka family friend.

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