Wednesday, May 28, 2008


youth camp 2008! yeaahooo. def was crackin! theme was surrender and was definitely very touching. great bonding, new friendships, and rekindled friendships again. heres some pics from it.


couple of the gals at the river creek that was frozzeeeen
the attempt to put the mentos into the coke. LAME. didnt work thats how far it got.
sf groupie
happy birtthhhdaay christian!. grandpa dicky n grandma shirley with 12 of their grandkids.
3 am night pics.
amandas diva eyes she literally embarassingly slept with.
our watermelon contest and ov course the ever so cocky derek paw beastin it
so me and nicole attempted to do and start a fight during it. muhaha
and me beasting it for THIRD PLACE! yeahhoo
our praise song band. i have no chin YACK!
the other half of the praise team band
the ever so famous GUESSTUREESSSSS!
christians morning celebration pic for his bday. he got bread and a knife stuck into it as his cake.
the greatest team to ever take FOURTH PLACE...GREEENNN MACHINEESSS
our whole group excluding the papa's n mama's
our dear ol pal christian and the gals plus the horrific derek.
and our drunken prayer during the play.

Tuesday, May 27, 2008

see ya san jo!

i'm outta bon qui qui's hood (san jo). for a good three months. its been a long, yet somehow short n quick year. my roommates werent always crackin but the friends i made and rekindled have made it the best forreal. through all the COMPLAINING. i wont lie, i kinda really miss it!...heres some pics through out the year spent at san jo. haha i talk like im leavin san jo forever. the parties, the friends, the room, the drama, the free stuff, and the friendships rekindled, i will love you forever.

me n len having leisure time with the cammie
sky high for jaymies bday!
my 317 roommiesss at skyhigh
my room after i cleaned it out..
howlaween walk/tour with krystal
the crackin view from MY room!
sf tour
xmas in the park in san jo with krystal
my exciting visitors
my day time view, tell me youre jealous!
my room during boredom.
howlaween trick or treating in san jo
first roomie pic..the original roomie roomie i roomed with is the second person on the left
julie n alex

sorry for the excusable finger again atop.

Tuesday, May 20, 2008

my B!

deepest apologies for not blogging for the past week!..i know youre all juiced up when its loading to this page then when it gets here...its the same STUBBE govt. haha my b! so busy these days..or if im not busy, im just straight lazyy!..but i'll update ya for a bit

so i am officially done with school at least my freshmen year of college!..i must say i will miss it ALOT. but, im glad to say im done with san jo's horrible allergies. ...but i will go into more details with pics prolly hopefully in the next blog so then i can update you later bout CAMP!...first youth/jr fellowship camp this weekend at jenessss park! i hope it'll be crackin.

been doing and attending all these fundraiser relief concert and food fairs for burma's cyclone victims and to hopefully soon one day murder (i know its a harsh word but it definitely fits it) the government including the presidenttoooo..they're dogs i tell ya... they will be cuh-ut uhhpp *with lips emphasized while saying* (watch bon qui qui vid if clueless.)

to top off all the busy schedu-al...this weekend will be a killer busy week..its almost as if may 24th is a HOLIDAY..if ya kno wut i mean. =) but ontop of everything everything?....ive been restockin on my closet and drawers with thousands of unecessary tshirts from san jo..and ov course the refugees have a new set of clothes to choose from. hah. and on top of that....ive been lookin for apts off campus to live next year cuz this 925 a month for a walk in closet aint float-in my boat righh now.. so if you kno any hook ups, HOOK IT UP BRAAA! and on top of everything else, i have to clean n tidy my room and give up my hotel stataz crackin room for a week thanks to a cyclone survivor aka family friend.

Wednesday, May 14, 2008

stubbe government

wow. the government in burma is just stupid as dirt. anyways our church has set up a relief fund for whoever wants to donate and we will match up the money you donated. if you dont get it, i understand its confusing. but heres the flyer information since i cant get the pics and exact decoration stuff on this blog.
Matching Your Donation
Cyclone Relief Fund for Burma (Myanmar)
May 12 through May 31, 2008
Oakland Burmese Mission Baptist Church
will match your donation dollars toward cyclone relief fund for Burma up to
$ 10,000 (Ten Thousand U.S. dollars) during May 12 through May 31 2008.
All donation check or cash must proceed through OBMBC’s ledger account
for cyclone relief fund for Burma. Please contact for your donation at
let me know if youre a tad bit miniscule-d interested.just think about how much 1 dollar could make a HUGE difference, let alone 25 cents.
on another note, i have exactly two days of school left and i am "good girl you wanna get on out there"..(moving out). YEAHHHOOOO. sumhow i kinda dont wanna move out but i do. all i've been doin minorly this week was la parteria. and just cleanin up..forget finals, they're bs!. i will cut finals and bonquiqui up. i'll post memories lata bout my extravanganza at san jo. if we're all lucky, maybe i can catch a pic with my roomie ive tortured and b-----tched about before she leaves TOMORROWWW!!!

Monday, May 12, 2008

bon qui qui from da HOOD

bon qui qui in the HOOD. haha you beetta watch or she will "cuuuttt yeeewww uhhhppp"

Saturday, May 10, 2008

ima gon make it..ima surviva...

throwback: survivor- d.child.

a week after the crazy catastrophe in burma (cyclone nargis). the burmese community is really coming together to put effort into really helpin the survivors of the cyclone. its crazy, unbelievable. we had a prayer meeting today at church for them there. you never really realize what you have until you really experience it. it hit me today, that man my family is really from my parents home n stuff..n how everyone from our church is from there. and to see them cry all together for God's help is nuts. touching nuts. (dont think dirty) ..i know sumwhere in their heart, they are all dyin inside because they want to help but they barely can. put yourself in their situation for a sec, your home, your people. washed away in a matter of 24 but hopefully God will be with the crazy idiotic government and will help rescue these innocent ppl. =( i hope you can keep them in your prayer..

heres some pics from the aftermath of the cyclone. some are very eeeky just for a warning..

i hope you can really keep em in ya prayers.

on another note: HAPPY BIRTHDAY TANI WONG.

Friday, May 9, 2008

looks can be decieving indeed.

so this has nothin to do with the title but... today is thursday and i am home! yeahhooo it feels good. so i surprised, along with mi hermana (sister) (there goes my sextuplet-linguel skills) my parents...they were hella shocked haha "early happy mothers day gift" so i call it. mu haha i wouldve taken some pics, but eh i forgot. my b to the dedicated readers. so im back to san jo tm, then back in the city on saturday and back to san jo on sunday lmao talk bout gas guzzla. o well thats wut lifes about again,...sacrifice...and u ask what am i sacrificing?...i have no clue...

anyway, heres a crackin vid-e-o. looks can be decieving so take you mind out that gutter and enjoy watchin this vid.

and i kno you already jealous cuz you aint as good as him..and for the slow ones (because i have a lot of slow experienced friends) this is real..and its on FAST FORWARD..he doesnt draw at that speed. i kno its stupid to explain that but again, some people are really that stupid.

o yea, and if we can all keep the infamouz B-U cyclone disaster (myanmar in the public newz) in your prayers and for me to get the shoes ive been dreamin for the past week, today...thanks.

Tuesday, May 6, 2008


happy brithday Jaymie...

good news!....i found a ride to catch back to the city on thursday...n will drive me back up on friday!..WOW the lord loves me..and so do you, if you prayed for muah!.thanks thanks..i honestly appreciate it. so if ya back in the city, and i penciled you in..but unpenciled you in due to stupid finals, i will pencil you back in.

we went to sky high for jaymies aka pandaboy's..brithday. it was crackin..kinda considering the fact i had a sprained ankle...and prolly sprained it even more..but thats what life is about right?..S A C R I F I C E!..i also sacrificed study time for my last big math test tm. ohhh thats why cheat sheets were invented.. hehe...and the biggest of them all ONE TREE HILL, oh dan, i hope youre still alive in the next episode, i want to pity with you a bit...hmmmphh.. all for the panda boy.

heres some pics out of about 150 thanks to jaymie who hogged the cammie in half the pics..and due to my low pixel camera..faces are blair witch project style. (blurred out)...enjoy!

the girls who couldnt jump cuz they dont have id's so they sat at "home" n watched us on tv

Monday, May 5, 2008

BOREDOM strikes hard.

omgosh, boredom is striking me so firicking hard rite now in the zummy 3 hour creating a meaningful life class. GUHHH.

i have 2 weeks and a DAY to own up to these allergies, to take over and put my foot on the ground to let mother nature know, i am in charge of my body. hahahaha jk.that was so stupid..but thats what you do when your melting in boredom.
not to mention i have to stay here the WHOLE week till saturday, LORD pray for muah PLEAASE! i have a zummy english final on saturday at 8, i cant get outttta it..ahhhhhhh...
i would blog more, but my teacher doesnt have any notes on the board, so it'd be pointless to look n sound like im typing the "notes"..when really theres nothin to even take notes down. mu ----hahahah
so neways, please come any entertain anytime through out this week...PLEASE i beg ya. its only out of real friendship!..haha jk ..not really

this is how i'll look for the rest of the week..till saturday..stuck in a clausterphobic room lookin out the nice view of my room, with those intense lonely eyes.

Sunday, May 4, 2008

Happy BRITHday Josh.

ohhh 5 years..this boy is huge, ginormous, goliath, paul bunyan, the giant peach... and any other word to describe a giant. hes a brat, hes rude, hes mean, but i guess hes KEWL...after all i personally did name the lit-o boy.

boughetto revivAL.

this pic is dedicated to the one n only infamouz "da blur"..ur ur...
so we had our revival yesterday with all the b-u (burmese) churches. it was aiight. considering the fact, my well hard thought out game, turned into...hmm well lets say...not so well..considering the fact i forgot burmese/chinese people are usually OFF BEAT and can not stay on beat...and you kno ali baba n them 40 thieves is on beat!....and not to mention since i was the leader, i ran out of moves to do...which made it even we ended up playing....DOCTOR DOCTOR..which ashlee moloklooo is DA BOMBdiggity at.

heres the crackin crowd struggling to tangle our untangled selves in docta docta!

this random fo REALZ group that just wanted to jump in cuz they kno they'd be famouz in my blogz.and my grandparents to end off the diggityz man, they is cupcakin like nobody watchinand some bloopers, i caught some foolish squares constantly taking for granted God's all NATURAL beauty. shame on them.

Saturday, May 3, 2008

g's holidayyy

screw a playa's holidayyy..its bout em G's holiday.

thanks len for showin up, youza REAL G. but...we it took forever to grab all the g's together..cuz you kno..we havent been flossin the a long time..for bout three years togetha..but..yenno we still got it...cuz how many of em old school clicks you got goin on?.."infamouz laydees?".."pink laydee pinays?".. "Fab 5?" .."undercover sistaz"?..."bra bra stataz?" .."THEM?" .."Get It Girls?"..."THE club?"....WHERE YOU AT?! ok besides stataz i kno you guys are SHATTED on. ...haha ill i sound like a high schooler. sorry im in college.
but we went to chevy's fresh mex...cuz it was tiffs "bday"...cracked jokes for DAYS on the booty bounce boppa'z up in DA club. then rolled in the car for bout an hour. and cracked at max's waitin on the infamouz flake, len.

just to throw it back with alla us...

excuse the finger, its not me, i'll remind my friend to not ever use that finger again.

it was so crackin...we could barely go to sleep!again, so happy n crackin, we dint even have time to pull em beds out

a REAL g:
1)someone who pees in another persons shampoo.

2) throw chewed gum in someones hair.