Monday, April 21, 2008


wow schoool is sooo boring right now. im on a countdown of 4 weeks and one day to be exact! ov course, this year went by as a ez fast sleeze throughout the year...till these past last five weeks which have been moving as slow as a turtle, better yet a snail. its crazy. till the end of may, and happiness is regained until summer school back in el jun-o. seriously, college is so faintiful, you slack n youre outta here...which is where ima bouta be soon cuz im blogging instead of taking notes right now. call it obsessed, call it it loser stataz, but we all in need it in this life of sin. HAH!

so living in the dorms is a crazy disgusting life...especially living in a suite of 7 girls, but out of the 7, 5 of the gals are the dirtiest bad boys in the earths history. almost possible of homeless stataz. 10 months of living in this suite...9 months passed, and the room is gettin dirtier by the second..
heres some of the peeves i've experienced with living in a horrible dormitory..aka hell, aka the alley way..

1) garbage is filled up to the top, not to mention crap stacked on top of more crap on top of eachother overfilling the garbage all leaning on the wall...with mold growing inside..and who knows what else. (sad part is?....the garbage room is less then ten steps away)
2) spoons, forks, utensils, dishes, cups...sitting in the sink with macroni n cheese in and out of the diningware...for about two - three weeks max. (sad part is? one admits to using the utensils)
3) bathroom hair, particularly in our shower room...(part of my contribution)...sitting on the shower floor for months..(sad part is? sits there mistakingly thought of as a rat, mouse, wutever is as hairy as the "hair"ball.)
4) FATTITUDE..fattitude living with 7 other girls in the room is a social suicide. periods are thrown all over the place. (sad part is?...they never know when their throwing off their own "fattitude")
5) odor polluting the suite, not to mention polluting the world..odor specifically coming from one person..aka..their feet. (sad part is?...the person throwing off the odor doesnt know its them and leaves their shoes all over the suite)
6) the couch is full of everyday uses, little do many people know the couch is infested with little bugs that eat them from the inside out..wen they lie on it...lifting up the couch pads is just as bad as watching amittyville horror. (sad part is? roommates are infected by the infestation of the bugs in the couch and arent aware of it)
7) popcorn popping seems to be famous in our suite, not to mention 95% buttered popcorn. imagine the smell of it. if there was a fire alarm that could go off for horrible would definitely go off about 2 times everyday..(sad part is?...the person popping it, is the one giving off the exceeding odor growing by the day)
8) use of toilet paper is an everyday necessary, little did i know growin up in a household of 3 women, needed to use ONE roll of TP a day. (sad part is?...we have to provide our own TP, so wen in a rush and a forgetful rush, it leads to forgetting to bring in TP to the b-room...then later leads to a rotten butt..leading get the point...)
9) when your showers begin to smell like camp cabin showers, you kno you got it bad. (sad part is?...we still shower in mold)
almost what my living room of the suite looks like. but worse..
soooo many peeves, and disgustion floating around in this building...and i've only explained the FEW of this horrible room. not to mention i did not talk about my actual ROOMMATE drama/peeves. WOW this is the san jose version of REAL WORLD: suite 719.

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