Tuesday, April 29, 2008

do you eva wonder?......

Friends, Good Friends, and Such Good friends?...interesting idk what to call it..essaY?..story?...piece?..idk but its like an article/ story in my english book that i thought was supa interesting...maybe it can prolly spark your in-te-rest too.
in this "piece" by "Viorst" she explains the definitions of the different friends you will have and make in your life..all categorized. quite amazing. check it..maybe when you have no life like me sitting here bloggin this at 1230 in the moanin in san jo..you can categorize your pals too. hah!

1. convenience friends: these people with whom, if our paths weren't crossing all the time, we'd have no particular reason to be friends: a next-door neighbs, a woman in our carpool, a roommate, etc. convenient friends are convenient indeed, they'll lend their cups and whatever...but you dont ever come to close too much; you just maintain that public face and emotional distance.

2. special-interest friends: these friendships arent intimate, and they needn't involve kids or silverware. their value lies in some interest jointly shared. interests such as tennis, basketball, boys. and thats all that will ever be chatted about and discussed with that "friend".

3. historical friends: we all have a friend who knew us when...maybe way back in Miss Noftsger's third grade class, when our family live in that three bedroom flat in san francisco, etc. the years have gone by and we've gone separate ways and we've little in common now, but are still an intimate part of each other's past. so wen we go to la, we always go visit this friend or our childhood. they know how we looked before we got contacts, teeth straightened, and all the things of the past, a part of ourselves to never forget.

4. crossroad friends: like historical friends, our crossroads friends are important for WHAT WAS. for the friendship we shared at a crucial, now past, time of life. a time, perhaps when we roomed in college together; or went through a memorable time together. crossroad friends forge poweful links, links strong enough to endure with not much more contact that once-a-year letters at Christmas. and out of respect for those crossroads years, for those dramas and dreams we once shared, we will always be friends.

5. cross- generational friends: historical friends and crossroads friends seem to maintain a special kind of intimacy--dormant but always ready to be revived. and though we may rarely meet, whenever we do connect, it's personal and intense.

6. part of a couple friends: some of the people we call friends we never see alone. we see them as part of a couple at couple's parties. and though we share interests in many things and respect eachother's views, we arent moved to deepen the relationship. whatever the reason, a lack of time or lack of chemistry, the friendship remains in the context of a group. but the fact that our feeling on seeing each other is always, "i'm so glad shes here" and the fact that we spend half the evening talking together says that this too, in its own way, counts as a friendship.

7. medium friends: their friends who you tell your "secrets" half way. not all the way...but you still tell them your "level of intimacy". you dont tell them everything that happened in the fight you just got with your boyfriend like how you guys gave each other bruises and whatever..just that you guys got in a fight.

8. BEST FRIENDS: they love, support, and trust each other. and to bare eachothers secrets of their souls, and run no questions asked to help each other, and tell harsh truths to each other when they must be told.

SUPPPPAAA LONG blog, i musn't write more.

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