Thursday, April 17, 2008

oh em geee....

total ZZzZZz here in san jose, back home early doing HOMEWORK, a blue moon must be out today. neway its crazy out here seriously, due to the ginormous amount of frikin trees(not the smoking type) out here, my eyes have become horribly swollen like ive been crying for about a week ..or been crying 24 hours, wen only its just tearing because of the lame pollen every second flying into my eyes. so usually when i walk outside and the sun and wind decide to rip my eyes apart i look like this ...whoooa!

then when i reach into a room barred off with walls to keep me safe from what i almost call the "devil" eyes feel like this...but on both sides..not just one..not to mention worse with cuts n bruises n rashes. (i made the pic smaller cuz its quite a disturbing look)
but really it looks like this..still with the cuts n wutever are under them tho.. (thanks wongs, for letting me steal this random pic of your unknown cute daughter with a pimple dissolving on her nose)
nonetheless, i guess you can see that conscience is quite a KILLER...cuz my eyes feel so disturbed seriously, and i cant wait till tm where i can just stay inside my house and precious eyes. and so if you wonder why my eyes are always so *bleeeepppp*ed up...last season was the winter dryness and now its just never ending spring pollen. ALLLERGIESSS go away please....i can practically shower with how much tears i cry everyday

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