Wednesday, April 30, 2008


this probably wont be goin out to the dedicated readers, but if you happen to be one of the dedicated subscribers of my blogg, yourree crackin. haha

neways, for three weeks, ive been trying to plan a game or actually think of a game to play for our saturday youth revival in fremont. i've been plannin it out for our supposed to be set time of an hour...which was sadly moved to 20 minutes! it was an unbelievable time change. so ive been askin around for sum ideas of any games for 50-80 people...that will be 20 minutes long..or could last around. hahaha as my conclusion, thanks for everyone who helped and thought of a game for me (tdubb)....and if you are attending this saturdays revival...we will be playing...ALI BABA and the FORTY THEIVES!... (thanks to gwen stefani) so if you dont know how to play it, you better start learning it..or if you do know how..think of a crackin move!....

we gon' make ali baba PROUD!

Tuesday, April 29, 2008

do you eva wonder?......

Friends, Good Friends, and Such Good friends?...interesting idk what to call it..essaY?..story?...piece?..idk but its like an article/ story in my english book that i thought was supa interesting...maybe it can prolly spark your in-te-rest too.
in this "piece" by "Viorst" she explains the definitions of the different friends you will have and make in your life..all categorized. quite amazing. check it..maybe when you have no life like me sitting here bloggin this at 1230 in the moanin in san can categorize your pals too. hah!

1. convenience friends: these people with whom, if our paths weren't crossing all the time, we'd have no particular reason to be friends: a next-door neighbs, a woman in our carpool, a roommate, etc. convenient friends are convenient indeed, they'll lend their cups and whatever...but you dont ever come to close too much; you just maintain that public face and emotional distance.

2. special-interest friends: these friendships arent intimate, and they needn't involve kids or silverware. their value lies in some interest jointly shared. interests such as tennis, basketball, boys. and thats all that will ever be chatted about and discussed with that "friend".

3. historical friends: we all have a friend who knew us when...maybe way back in Miss Noftsger's third grade class, when our family live in that three bedroom flat in san francisco, etc. the years have gone by and we've gone separate ways and we've little in common now, but are still an intimate part of each other's past. so wen we go to la, we always go visit this friend or our childhood. they know how we looked before we got contacts, teeth straightened, and all the things of the past, a part of ourselves to never forget.

4. crossroad friends: like historical friends, our crossroads friends are important for WHAT WAS. for the friendship we shared at a crucial, now past, time of life. a time, perhaps when we roomed in college together; or went through a memorable time together. crossroad friends forge poweful links, links strong enough to endure with not much more contact that once-a-year letters at Christmas. and out of respect for those crossroads years, for those dramas and dreams we once shared, we will always be friends.

5. cross- generational friends: historical friends and crossroads friends seem to maintain a special kind of intimacy--dormant but always ready to be revived. and though we may rarely meet, whenever we do connect, it's personal and intense.

6. part of a couple friends: some of the people we call friends we never see alone. we see them as part of a couple at couple's parties. and though we share interests in many things and respect eachother's views, we arent moved to deepen the relationship. whatever the reason, a lack of time or lack of chemistry, the friendship remains in the context of a group. but the fact that our feeling on seeing each other is always, "i'm so glad shes here" and the fact that we spend half the evening talking together says that this too, in its own way, counts as a friendship.

7. medium friends: their friends who you tell your "secrets" half way. not all the way...but you still tell them your "level of intimacy". you dont tell them everything that happened in the fight you just got with your boyfriend like how you guys gave each other bruises and whatever..just that you guys got in a fight.

8. BEST FRIENDS: they love, support, and trust each other. and to bare eachothers secrets of their souls, and run no questions asked to help each other, and tell harsh truths to each other when they must be told.

SUPPPPAAA LONG blog, i musn't write more.

Monday, April 28, 2008

tips for gettin more tizzime

-throw away the TV
-dont double back
-don't drive during rush hour
-stop losing things
-learn to say no
-learn to delegate.

i honestly have no clue what those exactly mean but i dont follow them, but it wouldnt hurt to look like im taking notes in this stupid 3 hours of creating a meaningful life class. ZZzZZzZ

QOD: is it sad that many people dont know themselves as in they think they are the most sweetest, kindest, generous, caring thang on earth...but really, sweet jesus, they are full of negative fattitude? haha

-oo sweet jesus, school ends in 3 weeks. and its so hot im sweating like how jesus was on the cross...

Sunday, April 27, 2008

outrageous babes.

dang, i hope you dint take "babes" the wrong way..but they are outrageously kewt and funny babiessss...if only i could add my cute rosie. but due to lack of knowledge and patience with youtube, she'll never be seen around the world with her cute talents..or looks, i should say. but neway heres some funny baybeh's for ya....

and the next vid is funny cuz shes hella ghetto...and just concentrate on where she pops out of...

haha i kno you wishin one day when you get babies, they're somewhat close to these homeboys n homegirls...n they gon be famous on ...the infamouz youtubez.

btw. shout out to Tdubb. congrats on your new bmdubbs.

remembering an old friend.

just me and danielle decided to go visit wynne on friday..since it was her birthday on tuesday the 22nd. we drove around the westmoor side of daly city..trrying to look for flowers..i couldnt think of nething and to top it off, it wasnt danielles hood. so i was like oo wait theres a flower shop at the 99 ranch we pull up and the sign says alexanders florist..WOOHOOO im hella good..tell me why we down from the sign to see that theres a sign that says "for lease" and its empty! we felt that maybe God was trying to tell us to save some money, n just visit her.. but we felt a lil we went to go grab som flowers from the bush in front of us, dont get us wrong, we werent cheap..we even thought of maybe taking some flowers from someone elses grave, till we thought "we did not wanna be cursed for the rest of our lives"...but we even picked out the nicest one..even TWO nicest ones..heres how they looked but prettier.. and they werent coming off the was acutally on a bush..if you go to 99 ranch, you can see for yourself. hhaha danielle sed they were weeds, but i think they were actually sunflowers!neways, we pulled up to her stone..laid the flowers later be blown off couple seconds later by the stupid wind but good thing it fell into the other flowers that were there with her..nonetheless it was a hilarious time.. haha random....neway Happy BELATED birthday wynne. =)

Monday, April 21, 2008


wow schoool is sooo boring right now. im on a countdown of 4 weeks and one day to be exact! ov course, this year went by as a ez fast sleeze throughout the year...till these past last five weeks which have been moving as slow as a turtle, better yet a snail. its crazy. till the end of may, and happiness is regained until summer school back in el jun-o. seriously, college is so faintiful, you slack n youre outta here...which is where ima bouta be soon cuz im blogging instead of taking notes right now. call it obsessed, call it it loser stataz, but we all in need it in this life of sin. HAH!

so living in the dorms is a crazy disgusting life...especially living in a suite of 7 girls, but out of the 7, 5 of the gals are the dirtiest bad boys in the earths history. almost possible of homeless stataz. 10 months of living in this suite...9 months passed, and the room is gettin dirtier by the second..
heres some of the peeves i've experienced with living in a horrible dormitory..aka hell, aka the alley way..

1) garbage is filled up to the top, not to mention crap stacked on top of more crap on top of eachother overfilling the garbage all leaning on the wall...with mold growing inside..and who knows what else. (sad part is?....the garbage room is less then ten steps away)
2) spoons, forks, utensils, dishes, cups...sitting in the sink with macroni n cheese in and out of the diningware...for about two - three weeks max. (sad part is? one admits to using the utensils)
3) bathroom hair, particularly in our shower room...(part of my contribution)...sitting on the shower floor for months..(sad part is? sits there mistakingly thought of as a rat, mouse, wutever is as hairy as the "hair"ball.)
4) FATTITUDE..fattitude living with 7 other girls in the room is a social suicide. periods are thrown all over the place. (sad part is?...they never know when their throwing off their own "fattitude")
5) odor polluting the suite, not to mention polluting the world..odor specifically coming from one person..aka..their feet. (sad part is?...the person throwing off the odor doesnt know its them and leaves their shoes all over the suite)
6) the couch is full of everyday uses, little do many people know the couch is infested with little bugs that eat them from the inside out..wen they lie on it...lifting up the couch pads is just as bad as watching amittyville horror. (sad part is? roommates are infected by the infestation of the bugs in the couch and arent aware of it)
7) popcorn popping seems to be famous in our suite, not to mention 95% buttered popcorn. imagine the smell of it. if there was a fire alarm that could go off for horrible would definitely go off about 2 times everyday..(sad part is?...the person popping it, is the one giving off the exceeding odor growing by the day)
8) use of toilet paper is an everyday necessary, little did i know growin up in a household of 3 women, needed to use ONE roll of TP a day. (sad part is?...we have to provide our own TP, so wen in a rush and a forgetful rush, it leads to forgetting to bring in TP to the b-room...then later leads to a rotten butt..leading get the point...)
9) when your showers begin to smell like camp cabin showers, you kno you got it bad. (sad part is?...we still shower in mold)
almost what my living room of the suite looks like. but worse..
soooo many peeves, and disgustion floating around in this building...and i've only explained the FEW of this horrible room. not to mention i did not talk about my actual ROOMMATE drama/peeves. WOW this is the san jose version of REAL WORLD: suite 719.

Saturday, April 19, 2008

a lucky winner, i must say...

some peoples dream is to be in the newspaper..least that was one of my dreams...only to see that i made it with not only a picture of me and my "love"..but the most ugliest captured shot..o well least i made it righh?...neways...two weeks church was in the oakland tribune...and one of my refugee pals made it in the newspaper! ask how? on..its kind of interesting...

Bebe San, 16, arrived in the United States last summer as a refugee with her father and two brothers. Born and raised in Mae La refugee camp in Thailand _ the largest Karen camp with about 45,000 refugees _ Oakland is Bebe's first experience with urban life.
She is a freshman at Oakland International High School, where there are about a dozen Karen students. The school is in its pilot year and enrolls students who have been in this country less than four years.

Refugees may not have much choice over where they end up, but many of the recent arrivals to the Bay Area are from the same refugee camps.
Bebe said she enjoys living in the United States, but says life is hard for her mother, who recently moved to Los Angeles for a better job. Her mother does not speak English and had difficulty finding a job, Bebe said.

"She wants to go back to Thailand,'' Bebe said. "In America, if you don't have work and if you don't speak English, you don't have money. If you don't have money, you can't eat.''
Bebe has never been to Burma _ she was born and raised in the refugee camps _ but worries for the people there. She recalls last summer's crackdown on monks and Burmese citizens in Burma.

"I don't like the Burmese army,'' Bebe said, tears springing to her eyes. "I'm scared. When that happened, we came to the church and prayed for the Burmese people.

so for the people and friends that donated can see who ur clothes are going to by reading some other articles of them...

Friday, April 18, 2008

time to hop off the bandwagon....

the pic that basically ended the warriors hopes to go into the playoffs...GO DENVAAA..aka iverson
no more we believe for this year!...unbelievable how lame-ly the warriors ended their "great" season. they even lost to frikin seattle supersonics! ...too shay too sad.. well on a better note, as long as denver made it...WOOHHOOO...not that they'll stand a chance with kobe bryant and his excelling lakers...=\ but i guess we can still go to BJ's and cheer like real allen iverson fans for denver, while the rest of the folks in the restaurant are lookin at us like WHAAAA ZAAA HECKKK...get out please.
and a quick run through of a "great" warriors season....

beidrins and harrington, dont even bother to try n grab their attention and autographs, they are sooo not worth it..and plus you wont even get it unless your boobs or..nose are as big as pamela andersons..they'll just ignore the flat chested ones..o and if you have a megaphone stataz loud voice. (im serious)

so apparently jackson remodeled this "park/court" in sanfran...and won this big huge award..nice remodeling and money ( ...captain jack...and tattoo?! haha

incase you cant really see its a gun in praying hands, so he encourages and hopes to God that he will never have to use the gun again...

on another note: to my fellow dedicated reader..."wassup t. WONG!"

Thursday, April 17, 2008

oh em geee....

total ZZzZZz here in san jose, back home early doing HOMEWORK, a blue moon must be out today. neway its crazy out here seriously, due to the ginormous amount of frikin trees(not the smoking type) out here, my eyes have become horribly swollen like ive been crying for about a week ..or been crying 24 hours, wen only its just tearing because of the lame pollen every second flying into my eyes. so usually when i walk outside and the sun and wind decide to rip my eyes apart i look like this ...whoooa!

then when i reach into a room barred off with walls to keep me safe from what i almost call the "devil" eyes feel like this...but on both sides..not just one..not to mention worse with cuts n bruises n rashes. (i made the pic smaller cuz its quite a disturbing look)
but really it looks like this..still with the cuts n wutever are under them tho.. (thanks wongs, for letting me steal this random pic of your unknown cute daughter with a pimple dissolving on her nose)
nonetheless, i guess you can see that conscience is quite a KILLER...cuz my eyes feel so disturbed seriously, and i cant wait till tm where i can just stay inside my house and precious eyes. and so if you wonder why my eyes are always so *bleeeepppp*ed up...last season was the winter dryness and now its just never ending spring pollen. ALLLERGIESSS go away please....i can practically shower with how much tears i cry everyday

Tuesday, April 15, 2008

happpy birthday pops...and therese

so today is ape 15th....aka tax day..aka pops and therese's bday!..

so i like to call peeps on their bdays and wish them a happy birthday..age permitting, usually at 12 midnite...also like to sing..(people permitting) to people...and now when its your birthday (and i remember)...not only I will sing to you but me and my PALS will sing to you! yeaHHHOOO! check out the kewt vid or music i'll use!...hope you'll be excited! haha

Monday, April 14, 2008

rest assured, dear old pals...

this years been overwhelminnggg... i've noticed that every other year..the even years to be exact are quite a weird thing. they seem to be they year of weddings and deaths.the better part of the good n bad?...idk...

well today grandpa charlie yang passed away. 041406.
it began with grandpa francis, in february?...something like that..then matty won back on 040608...then aunty lu lu's mommma just last week. CRAZY sadness, im scared to know what will happen throughout the year..well i hope you guys can have their families in your prayers.

nonetheless, this year is also filled with crazy weddings! i cant wait....first deshawngs, then winch's, khawn bu & gun naung, and kristen n jeff! yeahhooo!...too excited too excited. better part is i dont have to recycle the same dress in a year cuz i have more then two! yeahhhhoooo!

THAT IS A CRACKIN WEDDING!...or bride?...haha too excited.

Sunday, April 13, 2008

happpy brith-day g-papa & g-mama

grandparents random 81st and 73rd BRITHDAY!

correction: its MR. LEONG and BIRTHDAY..unless the chinese have changed their own spelling.

me and alyssa tried to see whos shoulder was wider..apparently its alyssas. yeahoo!
our special magical magnetic spoon trick!
the half human half monkey family plus gramps n grams.
gramps n grams!
the whole a burmese accent.
the cousins..aka grandkids.
the late RSVP-ers, who enjoyed LEDUS crew.
Apparently lilian is really good at the spoon trick, she'll be arrivin to church tm with a huge pimple on her greasy nose.
she was so good she walked around the restaurant showing off, rosie was a bit jealous cuz she could only carry lilians lil tiggger in a blanket/napkin
and thats pretty much it!..not bad time for a last minute job.

Saturday, April 12, 2008

long story short.

finally the nuggets warriors game was nuts. nuggets won 114-105..or sumthin like that..heres some pics.

i met matt barnes....
met couple others and got their spectacular autographs...

dreams are diminished due to not seein dear old allen iverson. i guess i have about two more years to dream and meet the legend before he retires, and hes forever gone. =(

heres some pics i tried gettin of him, i think i almost suceeded..well double of the same. hah

Wednesday, April 9, 2008

chu new? too new? jew new?

haha wow again, back bout puttin my life on blast, but sweet jesus, this is probably one of the only things that can keep me company while other peeps at sjsu are busy with not enough leisure time for me...and themselves! haha well back to the old days of gettin excited to postin what exciting things i have just done!
(excuse the hurt pic of aei)
neways so to begin my blog......i am goin to the warriors and denver game. its not only exciting cuz im goin to the game, but its because im hopping toooooo meetttt ALLLEEEENNN IVERSON!!! sweet jesus, guys, take a deep breath. its crazy! 12 years of craziness! ...12 years of waiting! if i meet him tm. my life will be worth living...and also because lifes worth living because HE (sweet jesus) lives! haha ok neways.
today is bowling day with emo alexandra ez seanez. just waiting for the day to be over because im getting a heart attack just fantasizing and dazing off in class about aei. its CRAZY, call me obsessed, ive come to my own conclusions, i am obsessed. just till i meet him at least.

arrite well toodles, walk the line is begging me to watch it.