Tuesday, April 5, 2011

restaurant biz part 5?

stupid blog spot is cracked out and wont let me space out my entry so to help make it easier on your eyes with a more smooth read i changed the color. anyway, am i on part 5? ugh whatevs, i cant remember nor am i too lazy to go back and check. but on another note, sorry bout the fat delay...been extra busy mentally and physically to thnk of or have time to write anything of good interest..or so i believe is interesting anyway. Nothing huge but after working in the restaurant biz, i thought i could share with you the inside scoop on some things. If you know where I work, good for you..if you don't maybe its better for you not to know. Top 10 Dirtiest things: (10, being the least dirty) 10. Crackers and shellers for the crabs. --Grant it people don't put their mouths on it and use it just to crack open the crabs, those things don't get washed very well or get washed at all. probably just a rinse. 9. Employee aprons- those things don't get washed often, so anything come out of them thats not capped ...ask for another one..politely of course. 8. Bathroom- self explanatory, but quick note--please cover your women menstruation ordeals with toilet paper. the last thing we want to see/ do is clean up your mess cause you didnt have the courtesy to cover it for us. 7. Dirty coworkers- the dirty coworkers who are hella lazy that when they bring you lemons and some of them drop, they just throw it back in the bag/bucket/corona, bibs drop on the floor they just pick it up and hand it to you, spoons/forks/knives fall on the floor- they'll just bring the same one to you. Because if you never see that i dropped it, you'll never know its dirty! =D 6. Butcher paper- the butcher paper is not as clean as it looks. Sometimes customers who want to sit at another table after being seated may have touched your butcher paper with their filthy hands or the host who butchered your paper doesnt have the courtesy to lift the butcher paper off the floor probably dragged or touched the floor with it while ripping it off or bringing it to your table. in other words, don't leave your bare food on the butcher paper..including ketchup. 5. Customers- the dirty customers that dine-n-dash on us, the dirty customers that give us fachichude for NO REASON, the dirty customers who can't make up their mind and change the order up after we punch it in and make us look bad when we have to correct it with the bo$$, and the dirty customers who tip us $1 for a $50+ meal. SMH. 4. Paper towels: always rip the first few paper towels off before using them. They fall on the dirty floor or may have previously been sitting in a puddle of sauce bag before you even came in. Rip them off, save yourself the grossness of the previous customers who didnt have any courtesy to put it aside so it wouldnt fall into their garbage. Then continue to rip, fold, and put aside your papertowels ready for your messy meal/experience. 3. Customers- i had to do it again..but another definition of dirty. The dirty customers who check the employees out in a dirty way and have the nerve to make a comment/remark/or joke about it to us, making us feel hella awkward. for ex: "can i ask you a question?...is there a rule here that you have to be cute to work here, cause i can definitely tell." -a 40+ father of two sons. 2. Tables/ chairs- leftover sauce on the booths/chairs/tables that arent wiped down. Oily fingers touching the chairs. They dont get wiped down enough...aka DONT WEAR YOUR NICEST CLOTHES there cause it will get ruined either by you eating messy or by default. 1. and the #1 dirtiest thing ...are the high chairs. It's a good thing (or bad) that our high chairs are black. Those things are filthy and oily and don't get the clean treatment that it should be getting. I wouldn't be surprised if a kid got sick off sitting in the high chairs. You've sacrificed so much for your child, you might as well sacrifice the whole food experience and sit you child on your lap than sitting your child on the doirty doirty high chair. There ya have it. The Top 10 dirtiest things about my restaurant. But hopefully you look past our flaws even though its hard for me to because its the beauty inside that matters. Or in this case its the taste that matters, not what you see. so IF you really want to know where this happens at, shoot me a comment and i'll think about letting you know...if youre not the health dpt.

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